Thursday, December 16, 2010

Starting Frozen Yogurt

NOSOMOSTANRAROS ex! poetry in Bilbao.

Within hours will fly to Bilbao to participate in ex! Poetry, the Biennial of contemporary art and poetry activities where you can find very fresh and interesting proposals.
here I'll tell you how I'm gone.

Space Philippe Pascal. Open table, Recitals, Performance.

We invite you to participate in an enjoyable evening.

Space Philippe Pascal

December 17 at 19.30 h

Mesa Open: "independent publishers and the future of books."

- Antonio Villar, editorial: Cangrejo Pistolero (Sevilla).
- Nativity of the door, editorial: A fortiori (Bilbao).
- Rodrigo Córdoba, editorial: Zoográfico Workshop (Argentina).
Xavier Sabater , The PAPA (Barcelona).
- Pedro Sousa, MerzMail (Barcelona).

Poetry recital of:

- Antonio Villar (Sevilla).
- Pere Sousa (Barcelona).
- Jon Andoni Goikoetxea (Barakaldo).
- Xavier Sabater. (Barcelona).

- Rodrigo Córdoba (Argentina).
- Carlos Llave (Valencia).
- Fausto Grossi (Italy).

Address: 62 Avenue Rear Kirikiño auction, Bilbao.

Entrance Irala 34 (front yard).



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