Friday, March 25, 2011

Beautiful Agony High Definition


The Operational Associate Director of the Association of Traffic Civil Guard appeared before the Traffic Department consultation on certain assumptions that may framed as a crime, enshrined in Article 384 of the Penal Code or as a very serious administrative offense, in violation of Article 65.5K) of the Road Safety Act, to do away with different interpretations had been found in various subsectors of traffic. The two cases that had caused this diversity of interpretation were the following:

1) Conductor who has lost all their points for the committee various offenses. Have passed the six months needed to complete the course of road rehabilitation and awareness, but has not done that caught driving course yes.

2) Conductor court has been deprived of his driving license for a period exceeding two years. Once that deadline has not completed the rehabilitation ysensibilización yes caught driving road.

The response of the DGT of March 3, I play for requesting the following:
Regarding your letter dated February 11, which performs a query on certain assumptions that could constitute crime under Article 384 of the Penal Code or the administrative violation of Article 65.5K) of the Road Safety Act, it is reported that the opinion of the Directorate General coincides broadly with that expressed in his office, is say

raised in the first case, where there has been loss of life of the driving permit or license from depletion of the points assigned by law, provided that the drive before obtaining administrative Iautorización again for driving, will be committing an offense under section 384 Ithe Penal Code, regardless of the time that would have since it was the loss of validity of the authorization and the completion of the course or re-education and awareness.

In the second, when the loss of life of the permit or license has been produced in accordance with Article 47 of the Penal Code, following the imposition of a sentence of deprivation of the right to drive for longer than two years , if you drive without having served the sentence imposed, will be producing a escape from prison. If you drive after serving the sentence, but before receiving official authorization again for driving, in violation of Article 1.1 of Regulation On Drivers (in the RCI; CON/001/1/5A / .. / 500 euros), which is a very serious violation, in accordance with the provisions of Article 65.5K) of the Road Safety Act. The offense also in this case occurs regardless of whether or not he had made during sensitization and re-education.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ryobi Rider Lawn Mower


A total of 21 new electric motorcycles have been added this morning to the fleet of the local police in Algeciras. The deputy mayor of Civil Protection, Cristina Garrido, has been commissioned to present the new units, which are part of a leasing operation with ING Car Lease, represented at the ceremony including the manager of Public Administration and External Canales, Juan Felipe Ramos, and which also includes 29 cars, which will join the service shortly. The total budget amounts to 1,206,400 euros.

During the presentation, Cristina Garrido noted that in addition to its commitment to sustainability, which ranks Algeciras at the level of cities such as Madrid, Santander, London or New York and become a pioneer in the autonomous community of Andalusia, the new facilities will increase police effectiveness in certain actions to be especially quiet and autonomous in their operation. The Mayor Mayor of the local police, Angel Gutierrez, has abounded in which each is attached to an agent and integrates advances such as the reverse, the provision of a fire extinguisher from 6 to 8 kg, a chest load of 42 liters Flashlight autonomous and digital electronic control systems and diagnostics. The maximum speed is 110 km / h and is rapidly accelerating. The on-board charger has a standard outlet for quick recharge the batteries. Gutierrez has been finalized which will come into operation on Monday, assigned to sections of District Traffic Police.

Belonging to the Vectrix and equipped brand police equipment necessary for the provision of the service, the bikes have a range of 100 miles per full charge, which will cost just 40 cents, so that involves economic and energy saving. The deputy mayor of Civil Protection has been added in this regard the importance of reaching a zero level of emissions, which demonstrates the commitment of the government team for the preservation of the environment and quality of life in the city.

Cristina Garrido also stressed that the new acquisition is another step in the government team's goal of giving local police more effective and better technical means to ensure better service to citizens .

For his part, Juan Felipe Ramos pointed out that ING Car Lease specializes in solutions for fleet management, which won the award in the appropriate public tender by the City. The company, he added, ensure optimum functioning of the units during the entire life them.

Does Natural Yogurt Get Rid Of Thrush

Saturday March 26 in Elche recite with Aute


Luis Eduardo Aute and Antonio G. ª Villarán (Cangrejo Pistolero) are two artists working renaissance style surreal living in this time it has played in a raffle . Although very different generations, have been known for years, united by a taste for the arts and its corners. Both are artists and poets. Poetry, humor and occasional late-night talk has led them to this union poetic Poemigario began his career with the first joint recital of Aute and Villa. The surprise is served.

White Shag Band Meaning

Exhibition of works by students from the Specialty Set

High School Drama Seville is pleased to invite you to the exhibition of works by students from the Specialty Set.

be informed that the event will be held in the School of Dramatic Art in Seville , Gayangos Paschal, 33, 24 and March 25, 2011, coinciding with the celebration of World Theatre.

STRUCTURE ------------------ ACT:

Opening: March 24, 2011, 12:00

Closing: March 25, 2011, 20:00

Participants: students of the Specialty Set.

I hope.