Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Organized by UNIJEPOL, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Fuenlabrada, FEMP and the General Directorate of Traffic will be held next April 6, 2011 the CONFERENCE ON NEW CHALLENGES, NEW SOLUTIONS FOR URBAN ROAD SAFETY in the hall of the Municipality of Fuenlabrada, between 09:00 and 17:30 hours.

The Workshop is aimed especially at: chiefs and commanders of the local police, agents specializing in traffic and road safety technicians from the municipal traffic management and sanctions, council traffic and mobility NGO staff involved in trafficking and road safety.

Day attendance is free and includes coffee and lunch. Participants will receive a portfolio in which documentation will include various publications of the DGT, specifically dedicated to road safety in urban areas.

Participation is limited and will be given preference for registration of persons to whom it is directed specifically Jornada. Interested persons should complete the Registration Form attached and send it to the email before March 30, 2011.


Date: April 6, 2011

09:00 Accreditation of the participants in the Conference and delivery of documentation folders.
09:30 h. Welcome D. Robie Manuel Delgado, Mayor of Fuenlabrada. Opening Day for D. Pere Navarro Olivella, Director General of Transport.
10:00 h. Opening lecture: "The road crime in urban areas and the work of local police." D. Bartolomé Vargas Cabrera, Special Prosecutor for Road Safety. Presenter: Ms. Carmen Lopez Herrera, Executive Councillor for Public Safety and Traffic of the City of Fuenlabrada.
10:45 h. Coffee Break.
11:15 h. Lecture: "Criteria FEMP on municipal regulation on traffic and road safety." D. Miguel Ángel Bonet Hail, the English Federation Technical Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP). Presentation: Fco José Cano de la Vega, head of the local police Fuenlabrada.
12:00 h. Expert panel: "Techniques for detecting drug use by drivers." D. Manuel Haro Haro, Assistant Accidents Unit of the Guardia Urbana de Barcelona and D. José María Hervela Cortes, Coordinator of Local Police Dräger. Presentation: José Luis Carques Vera, Local Police Chief Castellon de la Plana.
13:00 h. Expert panel: "The disciplinary proceedings in terms of traffic and road safety." D. Ledesma Ramon Muniz, Assistant Director Planning General Regulations of the General Traffic Directorate "Execution of traffic fines to drivers of foreign registered vehicles." Ms. Ana Sanchez of European Outsourcing Municipality. (EMO) Presentation: José Miguel Jiménez San Millán, Local Police Chief Avila.
14:00 h. Lunch break.
16:00 h. Battery Communications. Presenter and moderator: D. Lafuente Roman Leonardo Valentin, Chief of Police Local de Aranjuez (Madrid) and Secretary General of Unijepol.
- "The work of the local police for traffic calming in Pontevedra. D. Macenlle Daniel Diaz, Chief of Police Local of Pontevedra.
- "The comprehensive management of hotspots in Castellón. D. José María Villegas, Local Police Officer of Castellón de la Plana.
- "Traffic accidents and workplace accidents." D. Llamazares Javier Robles, Director of the English Foundation for Road Safety (Fesvial).
17:30 h. Closing of the Conference and presented the diplomas evidencing participation.


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