Monday, March 14, 2011

Jeep Liberty Needs New Shocks


tense moments in the market, they all know the genius who spends the fruit bowl, but no one could imagine being faced in this way as lethal to the police. Boasting of his time ninja, scares the police and distributes firewood.

This is the description that accompanies the above video on YouTube and you can see reproduced here.

A street vendor, a national of Estonia, is facing the police in a bazaar in a city in Finland. The fruit vendor refuses to follow instructions police, which seems to indicate that leave the area, probably for lack of authorization to pursue the sale there. Gradually, the tension builds. The fruit bowl over and over again that you want the presence of an attorney and repeatedly refuses to comply with police commands, until there is physical confrontation. The officers have to resort to stretch defenses and gas guns to try to reduce it and see the need to seek the cooperation of other support patrols. The orchard is to find some element to use as a weapon against the officers. It first uses a plastic box and then grabs a broom one of the vendors who are ready to cooperate with agents.

Most people are unaware that such scenes occur more frequently than desired in similar situations. Individuals who, with a requirement of the law enforcement officers, especially in cases of administrative violations, show a little or no cooperative attitude, saying he was "outraged" because the police action or reproach them because the police denounce them for committing any offense or come to show, in some cases, an aggressive attitude which requires police to use the force necessary to enforce law.

video funny thing is the attitude of the people, citizens who observe the events. The majority remains outside the case, but some people are ready to cooperate with police to stop and immobilize the madman. Nobody makes common cause with the detainee. In our case, especially when it comes to local police interventions, are occasionally situations in which "citizens" not only not the sidelines, but, unfortunately, sometimes seek to hinder police work or try to help and assist the offender or offender, in a strange "solidarity" which puts the police in very complicated situation.

As an example, I remember a speech, several years ago, while serving in a market, which surprised a guy (a known junkie and criminal) when exposed for sale at a street vendor, fish , which previously had drawn from a container which had been deposited by the veterinary services after another peddler seized and treated chemically so it could not be reused, which clearly posed a danger to the health of people could buy the fish. Since it was not just the illegal sale of perishable goods, but a crime against public health. Well, not only had to deal with the offender, obviously not made things easy, but we were obliged to do to citizens, which in this strange dance of solidarity, exhorting us to leave the "poor little" sell the fish, that it "was making a living" and that this did not harm anyone.

Sometimes people take sides against law enforcement officers not knowing, not knowing and not understanding the reasons and motives that drive agents to take certain decisions. The video could be a sign that, beyond our borders, things are probably in different ways and there is a greater respect for police work.


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