Friday, March 25, 2011

Beautiful Agony High Definition


The Operational Associate Director of the Association of Traffic Civil Guard appeared before the Traffic Department consultation on certain assumptions that may framed as a crime, enshrined in Article 384 of the Penal Code or as a very serious administrative offense, in violation of Article 65.5K) of the Road Safety Act, to do away with different interpretations had been found in various subsectors of traffic. The two cases that had caused this diversity of interpretation were the following:

1) Conductor who has lost all their points for the committee various offenses. Have passed the six months needed to complete the course of road rehabilitation and awareness, but has not done that caught driving course yes.

2) Conductor court has been deprived of his driving license for a period exceeding two years. Once that deadline has not completed the rehabilitation ysensibilización yes caught driving road.

The response of the DGT of March 3, I play for requesting the following:
Regarding your letter dated February 11, which performs a query on certain assumptions that could constitute crime under Article 384 of the Penal Code or the administrative violation of Article 65.5K) of the Road Safety Act, it is reported that the opinion of the Directorate General coincides broadly with that expressed in his office, is say

raised in the first case, where there has been loss of life of the driving permit or license from depletion of the points assigned by law, provided that the drive before obtaining administrative Iautorización again for driving, will be committing an offense under section 384 Ithe Penal Code, regardless of the time that would have since it was the loss of validity of the authorization and the completion of the course or re-education and awareness.

In the second, when the loss of life of the permit or license has been produced in accordance with Article 47 of the Penal Code, following the imposition of a sentence of deprivation of the right to drive for longer than two years , if you drive without having served the sentence imposed, will be producing a escape from prison. If you drive after serving the sentence, but before receiving official authorization again for driving, in violation of Article 1.1 of Regulation On Drivers (in the RCI; CON/001/1/5A / .. / 500 euros), which is a very serious violation, in accordance with the provisions of Article 65.5K) of the Road Safety Act. The offense also in this case occurs regardless of whether or not he had made during sensitization and re-education.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ryobi Rider Lawn Mower


A total of 21 new electric motorcycles have been added this morning to the fleet of the local police in Algeciras. The deputy mayor of Civil Protection, Cristina Garrido, has been commissioned to present the new units, which are part of a leasing operation with ING Car Lease, represented at the ceremony including the manager of Public Administration and External Canales, Juan Felipe Ramos, and which also includes 29 cars, which will join the service shortly. The total budget amounts to 1,206,400 euros.

During the presentation, Cristina Garrido noted that in addition to its commitment to sustainability, which ranks Algeciras at the level of cities such as Madrid, Santander, London or New York and become a pioneer in the autonomous community of Andalusia, the new facilities will increase police effectiveness in certain actions to be especially quiet and autonomous in their operation. The Mayor Mayor of the local police, Angel Gutierrez, has abounded in which each is attached to an agent and integrates advances such as the reverse, the provision of a fire extinguisher from 6 to 8 kg, a chest load of 42 liters Flashlight autonomous and digital electronic control systems and diagnostics. The maximum speed is 110 km / h and is rapidly accelerating. The on-board charger has a standard outlet for quick recharge the batteries. Gutierrez has been finalized which will come into operation on Monday, assigned to sections of District Traffic Police.

Belonging to the Vectrix and equipped brand police equipment necessary for the provision of the service, the bikes have a range of 100 miles per full charge, which will cost just 40 cents, so that involves economic and energy saving. The deputy mayor of Civil Protection has been added in this regard the importance of reaching a zero level of emissions, which demonstrates the commitment of the government team for the preservation of the environment and quality of life in the city.

Cristina Garrido also stressed that the new acquisition is another step in the government team's goal of giving local police more effective and better technical means to ensure better service to citizens .

For his part, Juan Felipe Ramos pointed out that ING Car Lease specializes in solutions for fleet management, which won the award in the appropriate public tender by the City. The company, he added, ensure optimum functioning of the units during the entire life them.

Does Natural Yogurt Get Rid Of Thrush

Saturday March 26 in Elche recite with Aute


Luis Eduardo Aute and Antonio G. ª Villarán (Cangrejo Pistolero) are two artists working renaissance style surreal living in this time it has played in a raffle . Although very different generations, have been known for years, united by a taste for the arts and its corners. Both are artists and poets. Poetry, humor and occasional late-night talk has led them to this union poetic Poemigario began his career with the first joint recital of Aute and Villa. The surprise is served.

White Shag Band Meaning

Exhibition of works by students from the Specialty Set

High School Drama Seville is pleased to invite you to the exhibition of works by students from the Specialty Set.

be informed that the event will be held in the School of Dramatic Art in Seville , Gayangos Paschal, 33, 24 and March 25, 2011, coinciding with the celebration of World Theatre.

STRUCTURE ------------------ ACT:

Opening: March 24, 2011, 12:00

Closing: March 25, 2011, 20:00

Participants: students of the Specialty Set.

I hope.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Free Washington Tourist Map

Renewal of the blog in April, High Maintenance and iRitmo Site Awards

Hello! Due to lack of time I could not post on the blog, from February 18 were absent, there is still pending for publishing events, and news.
celebrating our return in April the blog is completely renewed, now you can see more things in iCarlySite as
News stars Nick
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About editions will be 4 awards over
And more ...

Nor could publish the winner of Star Blog Awards which is: Just Nickelodeon
Speaking of prizes, in April arrives another edition of the blog awards, namely: iRitmo Site Awards, where iCarlySite iRitmo and unite to traertelos
April 8
Final: April
Nominees were published on April 7 next to the voting banner.
you can also download wallpapers and more

And last is High Maintenance is the most recent EP Miranda Cosgrove now you can download

High Maintenance Dancing Crazy Kiss You Up

Face Of Love Sayonara

Well this was it, April 3 return with more news and
PD: What do you want in the blog design? Vote in our poll and help us decide our new design

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sample For Sports Day Welcome Address

POETRY PRESS NOTE OF EDIBLE. March 21, 2011. World Poetry Day



March 21, 2011. World Poetry Day

Cultural Center Santa Clara. Poets House in Seville. C / Fellowships S / N

Exhibition Opening: 18:00

Recital: 19:00

final Proclamation of Juan José Téllez: 20:00

works Tasting: 20:30 h

To celebrate World Poetry Day, the Andalusian Association of Poetry Stage, organizer of the International Festival and cycle Perfopoesía Crab Nights, organize EDIBLE first edition of Poetry. The event will take place at the newly opened Cultural Center Santa Clara and will feature the following participants: Eduardo Chivers, Victoria Moreno, Javier Berger, Lorenzo Ortega, Manuel Marquez, Carmen Herrera, Juan José Téllez, Saray Pavón, Syracuse Bravo Guerrero, Eddie J . Bermudez, Antonio Gómez, Gracia Iglesias, Marta Fernández Portillo (Raccoon Marta), Eduardo Bonachera, Jesus Vega, María Luisa Viu, Rafael de Cózar, Nacho Montoto, Ferran Fernández, Lola Crespo, Antonio G. ª Villarán, Nuria Mezquita, Ubu Chiguagua and students edging Bormujos Project.

The exhibition will find works created exclusively for the event, which will be tasted by those attending the end of the period of exposure.

Among the more than 20 works to be exhibited, some arriving in Madrid, Valencia and Extremadura, we find visual poems that make us reflect on the indifference, as is the case the 13 hearts made of red jelly, which is entitled "In 12 months and a day / my heart has turned to jelly," or the typographical work and cooking Eddie J. Bermúdez entitled "Galletras" Javier Berger's work, bearing twelve sesadas of lamb, one for each month of the year, entitled "Click to forget", or the work of Grace Church, "Pam and onion," a murder scene in a kitchen, with which the artist reflects on relationships and marriage.

Joan Brossa, in his book "Eclipse", and said this method to put a fried egg on top of a wafer. This is a visual poem that speaks of poverty and the church, which in turn, is also edible.

Cózar Rafael has produced a text as a preface to this first edition, and Juan José Téllez issued the final proclamation uploaded in the refectory pulpit. Subsequently publish a virtual catalog in which the prologue will Cózar, the proclamation of Téllez and images of works of poetry Comestibe, which can be seen on blogs, websites and social networks Perfopoesía.

Edible Poetry is curated by Antonio G. ª Villarán and Nuria Mezquita, directors of Perfopoesía, and have worked the IAJ (Instituto Andaluz de la Juventud), ICAS (Institute of Culture and Arts of Seville), Cangrejo Pistolero Ediciones and Shared Artists Studio CREA.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Am Allergic To Deoderants

Check suspension and shock absorbers of the car

dampers and springs have a properly revised suspension greatly improves the comfort and road safety.
But when the suspension should be reviewed? When should you change? What will it cost?

Experts advise to review the suspension every 20,000 kilometers, and is usually stated that the buffers are replaced every 50,000 miles and in pairs (you can not change a single shock), although this distance will depend on how good the type of area by that normally transit and fatigue they undergo damping. The more holes, the lower the life time, especially when it comes to conventional tourism. But above all we must be alert to any abnormalities can be detected as leakage of oil or gas from the shock. That uncomfortable eye exam can prevent breakdowns and ensure they do not jeopardize the safety of the driver or passengers. How

suspension affects us poor?

Keep in mind that one of the greatest dangers of the road is the custom. When the cushions are worn, the driver can get used to the behavior of the vehicle in this state, since wear occurs slowly and gradually. For this reason we must be very careful.

A major consequence of bringing the worn shock absorbers is the loss of vehicle stability. Hazardous occur swings that can make the car go off the road, even the stability control can work poorly, and systems such as ABS lose effectiveness because the tire can lose contact with the asphalt.

Another important aspect which affects the wear of the suspension is the stopping distance. The suspension does not subject the car well and produce more inertia, so that the stopping distance increases up to 2.5 meters when traveling at 100 km / h. On rainy days also increase the risk of aquaplaning and in driveways irregular, improper functioning of the suspension causes the headlights vibrate excessively, with consequent inconvenience for drivers that precede the car in poor condition. If none of this serves to convince of the need to change the suspension, something that never fails: money. A poorly regulated suspensions cause premature wear of the tires, which need to be changed prematurely. In fact, life can be reduced by up to 20%.

The time for change

Ideally, the shock absorbers are changed in a garage, even if it means an extra. Do not forget that these places offer a guarantee to cover for possible defects in the part or assembly.

Source: Consumer
Illustration: Motorspain

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Side Effects Of Havinghemorrhoid Skin Tag Removed

For those who start, for those wondering about how they are or how they were. For those who simply are curious to know. Here's a story that will try to explain it, contains many real life experiences of colleagues, but whose resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. It is also true and we must keep in mind that times change and men live as long as they live and that this was in the early nineties.

When the young man practices came to the district of Madrid lost , put him in his first day on patrol with a "veteran" of two months of actual age.

In that cycle, morning, noon and night, driven both by vocation and their young and restless spirits, spent 32 filiated and many other fees, those long tireless patrolled by putting the ramshackle streets BX one hundred and fifty miles more, and left with the Pirulos made almost all calls to attending. This young man did not practice on that occasion, but he learned his first arrest, he told the veteran, who was patrolling between 9:00 and 10:00 am strongly by commercial streets when it is open and when they can be docked. It was generally felt comfortable with that mate although in a quarrel they had none a home recently.

When they finished and left the night service, the old guard on room operator, approached them and threw the bronze

- Os you thought that you are here to go to all local citizens and their cars and I'm here just to give you pleasure or what? "Another caimanorro" - thought-and went to sleep no more.

Returning to the next turn of fortune was not smiling at practices: companion had given him an alligator.

- Do you want to work today as the other day with so "new"? "I asked this giant of fifties, with a voice that made the room shake and whose echo is spread through the corridors of Police.

"Yes, I have wanted ... we get paid for that right?

- Then sit there until you pass! "He told veterans while the rest of the group, including the shift manager, he laughed Grace. Which he, of course, it did him no whit.

In the vehicle a few minutes later, asked again: do you know the first thing to do in the morning?

"I suppose to patrol the stores to avoid believing robos. replied as holder of an immutable truth.

"No, that's something you have said that 'fucking new' has just hatched, but that is not the first thing is to have breakfast. For if 'the guard' skip breakfast do not perform well.

After breakfast, around 9:30 am, that bearded lion's fierce gaze, without saying oste or moste, he led the district boundaries that were outside the city, where the landscape of the shops, buildings and asphalt was changed in rapid transition, on the outskirts of the slums and the trails where it's all over for citizens but starts the underworld to the police and criminals. He said a car parked next to another and said, "that is stolen." Indeed it was. He regained his first stolen vehicle this morning. He explained ironic tone that the 'woolly' are not morning people and steal cars that are abandoned at night, at dawn, in places like that, which would take too long to be discovered because the police "new" is engaged stroll through the streets leaving this to the old guards. In the early morning, "he said pointing: Find cars stolen.

Then after you finish doing the paperwork at the police station, gave him a couple of laps for his industry and at one point said that "it was okay to kilometers" and led him to "make efforts" that the young man rang "shirking fierce." He stopped the car and walked several Banks, some of which had seized account and where to make payments. Others simply spent talking with employees, everyone seemed to know and appreciate the visit, apart from platitudes he talked about several subjects who had tried to collect on bad checks and a couple of South Americans that they felt "sunshades.

The young practices did not like the zeta been stopped, it seemed that the circular was not missing something in the big city, what he was going at full speed, believed by many sites to patrol the Once, by chance, there would be good services. In his naivety thought it was not infantry, but cavalry.

The veteran went to him and was with the boy and if it does not exist: stop the car and went down to talk to the flower, with the grocer and the butcher, and put to talk to them about football or whatever, without look for him. At the end of each conversation always warned of a 'bird' that had been lurking, and the boy always seemed an excuse to save the fact that I was wasting time. His aversion to the spirit of the man was holding in his secret struggle, a struggle that reaches deep to a certain serenity that feels stupid, and security between epic and proud to who has it.

Then, as if to tease and not content with this, the vehicle stopped to talk with the gardeners, sweepers and all municipal workers, who was on the road.

- it's uncle, laborer, does nothing to talk to all God! She thought.

One of these, a sweeper, handed him a wallet that someone had lost. They made a minute.

When they were the 13.00, I asked: What did you learn today?

"Well ... as it is not theory and practice of conversation.

- hell no, no! We planted to collect tomorrow! These people are your eyes when you're gone. I have seen up close and not from a vehicle, we know by name and not your number. Warn you of something one day and, meanwhile, put you up to date with everything that moves and shakes around here. From the zeta not see you, so also think that you care about them. Little things that are collected then you can serve. Hala págate a reed, Noob. And the young man paid his first round, and cane juice.

way out, when they came over, the room, a friend of this, they were approached and said:

"You're teaching well and glad! A plate a recovered, not like the other day, go CANTAMAÑANAS: you passed up to the plate of a camouflaged vehicle.

The next day, the evening service , the veteran was followed by the young man falling unfriendly practices. As I passed some guys who were sitting on a bench, took courage and asked him if he went affiliates.

- For What and Why!

- What do you for? to see if they are in search and catch some bad.

"In this District who are in search and will catch the secret. I do not identify anyone but I have a reason, and going down the street without having bad paint or not. Here those who seek to look good, because here is very woolly white glove. You can not go around asking for 'Carnese' like asking snuff. Another thing is that they had been smoking dope or drinking Mahou beer, but is not the case. Poor intervention almost always causes problems. An intervention that is not done, almost never-sentenced.

The afternoon went by, then, without affiliates. Stopping at a tavern to talk about another thing, in some battles, and some bad that the bartender had seen skulking, whereas a long took a beer and the other, invariably, a Biosol Multifruits. The station (which coordinates) got the youngest of his ill thoughts toward the health of your partner. Went to a fight at a residence. The cries of the debate were heard from the portal. They knocked on the door and just open the thirtysomething marriage remained as silent to see the look of the veteran, who looked more like coming to kill both of you to mediate a conflict.

"Good afternoon or bad, depends right? He said with an authoritative voice that I had, fixing his fierce eyes on both.

- Damn what a way to enter them! He thought the young man when the hostile environment could still be cut with a knife, but also saw that what they had cut the scandal, and rennet.

went inside the apartment and told her to speak. She told her version and when it came his turn, the veteran asked, what's that smell is coffee?

"Yes, you want a cup?

"Yes, thanks. At this time I would kill for a good coffee. Ande bring me one if you please, woman.

The lady, a little shocked, and while it was in his absence, the husband, who was a little meapilas, told them his story. Just the opposite of that of his relative, of course. For when he returned the lady with the cup, the veteran and was convinced that kind of what was best, and that should make peace and get on with life, because for four days was a ... coffee was taken while the couple of prudes that was completed to reconcile. When you walked out the door, turned and said

"In a couple of days to see you back here. If no problems you do me a coffee, and if any ... as well. And he was leaving so much peace as anger had to go.

Young practices hallucinated colors, still did not understand how that bearded laborer without knowledge of psychology, without formation and with almost no vocabulary had done with the situation, but I loved the way he handles the situation very different from the one in which there was none. Outside, back in the car, he said,

"Remember, when a fight or a brawl between the parties ever, with the excuse it is, but keep them separate, so you will be easy to talk and assert yourself.

veteran when he got together with others as he talked about the old days of fellowship, 24 × 24, constituencies and flags (the twelve and eleven), Radio Patrol Guard and Inspections, and corporals and sergeants, as he only spoke of vocation, of the five shifts, Bases and Units and Brigades, and the ODAC and the SAC, officers and deputy inspectors. There were two worlds and two generations separated by a high wall of mutual incomprehension.

the third day, the night he became very long with that villager with whom barely had things to talk about and with which it was clear, did not speak the same language or connection was possible. The veteran led him to several places where there was "lonely women who smoke." He chatted with them and they with him, without any modesty, as if their two professions belonged to the same social sphere and marginal. It was an idea, promiscuously mixing waste with some people who tormented him as much as reaching the contract, service, their "services." But nothing came of it. Again told in the end to justify such parla, in a nocturnal bird of bad omen that were planned by the shadows of those streets, from time to time. The young, one of the youngest and the prettiest among those self-employed women love winked when they left. He thought of returning the nod but did not dare. He felt, however, something weird, something that began to change inside.

"Son, have you looked at the dark Oh, if I were your age and thirty kilos less! If you want respect you talk to them, but do not mix work with pleasure. Affiliated to it as silly, almost never goes well.

In a bar that must be really thirsty to see the need to enter, the veteran took the rookie and took the usual. There, amid much character and so smoky late-night floating in the air, it appeared the department head. The student stood stiff as a candle. But he noted, with relief that this man did not come to account but to chat a bit. Above is talking to the veteran as if it were two former comrades. He asked for a straw, drank it, and when he was leaving, he reminded them that they were awaiting a couple of cars that had occurred in flight, we were not doing a "landing" and a couple that had been stolen .

"Well," thought the young excited, finally some action.

But no, to Ecuador that night, when it became the buzz and the activity decreased gradually to be silent, and the station was quiet, the veteran stopped the car in a secluded place, where reigned the shadows of the night and went to sleep.

The young man began to think of all that was desired by that time: to be uploaded to a zeta finally, in his vocation, which had struggled in the opposition I studied in classes of Avila, all suffered to leave the Academy. And now he was one of those moments, as feared by him as announced by all, and saw and felt ridiculous. To think he thought of another veteran, "the new" in its spirit and animosity ... and I miss him.

The station broke their silence and the interior monologue of the young. It was producing a landing on a downtown street, close to its point. Alligator awoke, he started and left humming. They arrived in time to stop one of the two individuals who were near the broken window of a clothing store: The young man believed to be living in a movie. It was his first arrest. He noticed that the old, however, acted as if it were normal, life, something that seemed to be so used, giving a description and status of the buddy who was on foot of the place: when they arrested three streets away.

rays of sunlight filtering through the cracks in the window of the Inspection of the Guard announced that the day came and ended, finally, service.

Then there would be other days of service and more prisoners and more colleagues . And the young man knew practices, long after that day that this veteran bearded laborer was a police officer twice decorated with the white because he had been wounded in an attack and had had many clashes with armed robbers banks in the seventies, when I was young, although he said that it had been an idiot and unconscious, that he spent all his free time watching, as a slave, a young son who had leukemia in the hospital. Why, sometimes, had lack of sleep. By then I did not like him as unfriendly, by which time he began to understand many things that did not, as it is possible to transpose if you have reason to stay, although not say pride, and to understand that, free from prejudices, as many would change in later their thinking. Since then accept the winks that I would offer the chance to take the pulse of the city and hear what they said its people. For then you could say he started to admire him and that he was giving off some of the ingenuity that brought affixed to the sides of the small travel bag with which began the journey of his life. And gradually, over the years, took his impassive armor where they had been sliding all the lessons that had been teaching, and other alligators that would follow.

Where are not they see? "There are not those alligators?


Monday, March 14, 2011

Jeep Liberty Needs New Shocks


tense moments in the market, they all know the genius who spends the fruit bowl, but no one could imagine being faced in this way as lethal to the police. Boasting of his time ninja, scares the police and distributes firewood.

This is the description that accompanies the above video on YouTube and you can see reproduced here.

A street vendor, a national of Estonia, is facing the police in a bazaar in a city in Finland. The fruit vendor refuses to follow instructions police, which seems to indicate that leave the area, probably for lack of authorization to pursue the sale there. Gradually, the tension builds. The fruit bowl over and over again that you want the presence of an attorney and repeatedly refuses to comply with police commands, until there is physical confrontation. The officers have to resort to stretch defenses and gas guns to try to reduce it and see the need to seek the cooperation of other support patrols. The orchard is to find some element to use as a weapon against the officers. It first uses a plastic box and then grabs a broom one of the vendors who are ready to cooperate with agents.

Most people are unaware that such scenes occur more frequently than desired in similar situations. Individuals who, with a requirement of the law enforcement officers, especially in cases of administrative violations, show a little or no cooperative attitude, saying he was "outraged" because the police action or reproach them because the police denounce them for committing any offense or come to show, in some cases, an aggressive attitude which requires police to use the force necessary to enforce law.

video funny thing is the attitude of the people, citizens who observe the events. The majority remains outside the case, but some people are ready to cooperate with police to stop and immobilize the madman. Nobody makes common cause with the detainee. In our case, especially when it comes to local police interventions, are occasionally situations in which "citizens" not only not the sidelines, but, unfortunately, sometimes seek to hinder police work or try to help and assist the offender or offender, in a strange "solidarity" which puts the police in very complicated situation.

As an example, I remember a speech, several years ago, while serving in a market, which surprised a guy (a known junkie and criminal) when exposed for sale at a street vendor, fish , which previously had drawn from a container which had been deposited by the veterinary services after another peddler seized and treated chemically so it could not be reused, which clearly posed a danger to the health of people could buy the fish. Since it was not just the illegal sale of perishable goods, but a crime against public health. Well, not only had to deal with the offender, obviously not made things easy, but we were obliged to do to citizens, which in this strange dance of solidarity, exhorting us to leave the "poor little" sell the fish, that it "was making a living" and that this did not harm anyone.

Sometimes people take sides against law enforcement officers not knowing, not knowing and not understanding the reasons and motives that drive agents to take certain decisions. The video could be a sign that, beyond our borders, things are probably in different ways and there is a greater respect for police work.

Friday, March 11, 2011


How accompanied driving is taught in Austria?

accompanied driving is becoming closer to set up in Spain. What remains unknown is how they performed. Some possibilities can be oriented on how this system is taught in other European countries.

To learn more how it is done in other regions, Mr. Weiermair, responsible for the content of the publisher Hubert Ebner Verlags GmbH, Austria, has answered the following questions:

From what years working in Austria condución company?

Mr. Weiermair: From March 1, 1999.

"From what age can a teenager make use of this modality?

SW: From 16 years.

Is it compulsory to pass before the theory test?

SW: No, the theory test can not be done until the instruction L17 (score of accompanied driving in Autria) is over.

Is it compulsory to attend a minimum number of theoretical and practical?

SW: The number of lectures they have to give at the driving school is or 26 before and 6 after driving accompanied, or 32 before starting it. As the number of classes they have to practice at the driving school is 12 before driving accompanied, besides the control classes (two or three classes after the first 1,000 kms, two or three after the second 1,000 km, and three or four classes after the third 1,000 kilometers) in the driving school. So, in reality, not a class size reduction practices.

What role do with driving driving school company?

SW: It is based on two phases: the pre-trained theoretical and practical, and another for, with theoretical and practical training. A vital role that allows perfect track in training. Could you tell
many young people, drawn accessing driver's license, choose this form?

SW: About 30 100.

What requirements must meet the person accompanying the driver's future?

SW: The passenger has to have his driving license for at least 7 years ago and has to prove that a vehicle has driven over the last three years continuously without having committed any offense. In addition, must have a close relationship to the adolescent. Does

tutor or companion, are forced to pass some test or receiving any previous course?

SW: No need to take any pre-test, but must attend a class or two, along with the future driver, which explains how they should be accompanied driving classes.

Are there limitations on days, times and routes to travel? And as for the vehicle, do you have to be equipped with dual controls or have a specialty?

SW: No.

Should we hire some kind of special insurance?

SW: No, but you have to inform your insurance.

Since you came into operation, what are the real benefits of the system?

SW: The benefits are several:

  • That training continues over time and thus there is no rush to meet a certain number of hours to be reviewed.
  • Da
    time better assimilation and reflection on driving.
    is a formation in which the final forms to two people: the future driver and the guardian.

  • The system allows driving instructor to intervene during the accompanied driving may correct any issues that may be necessary, therefore we believe it is a quality system.
  • And finally, an economic benefit, since the student is required to complete a minimum of 32 lectures and 20 practical.

Source: Crossing

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Remove Cover Of Samsung Glyde


Organized by UNIJEPOL, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Fuenlabrada, FEMP and the General Directorate of Traffic will be held next April 6, 2011 the CONFERENCE ON NEW CHALLENGES, NEW SOLUTIONS FOR URBAN ROAD SAFETY in the hall of the Municipality of Fuenlabrada, between 09:00 and 17:30 hours.

The Workshop is aimed especially at: chiefs and commanders of the local police, agents specializing in traffic and road safety technicians from the municipal traffic management and sanctions, council traffic and mobility NGO staff involved in trafficking and road safety.

Day attendance is free and includes coffee and lunch. Participants will receive a portfolio in which documentation will include various publications of the DGT, specifically dedicated to road safety in urban areas.

Participation is limited and will be given preference for registration of persons to whom it is directed specifically Jornada. Interested persons should complete the Registration Form attached and send it to the email before March 30, 2011.


Date: April 6, 2011

09:00 Accreditation of the participants in the Conference and delivery of documentation folders.
09:30 h. Welcome D. Robie Manuel Delgado, Mayor of Fuenlabrada. Opening Day for D. Pere Navarro Olivella, Director General of Transport.
10:00 h. Opening lecture: "The road crime in urban areas and the work of local police." D. Bartolomé Vargas Cabrera, Special Prosecutor for Road Safety. Presenter: Ms. Carmen Lopez Herrera, Executive Councillor for Public Safety and Traffic of the City of Fuenlabrada.
10:45 h. Coffee Break.
11:15 h. Lecture: "Criteria FEMP on municipal regulation on traffic and road safety." D. Miguel Ángel Bonet Hail, the English Federation Technical Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP). Presentation: Fco José Cano de la Vega, head of the local police Fuenlabrada.
12:00 h. Expert panel: "Techniques for detecting drug use by drivers." D. Manuel Haro Haro, Assistant Accidents Unit of the Guardia Urbana de Barcelona and D. José María Hervela Cortes, Coordinator of Local Police Dräger. Presentation: José Luis Carques Vera, Local Police Chief Castellon de la Plana.
13:00 h. Expert panel: "The disciplinary proceedings in terms of traffic and road safety." D. Ledesma Ramon Muniz, Assistant Director Planning General Regulations of the General Traffic Directorate "Execution of traffic fines to drivers of foreign registered vehicles." Ms. Ana Sanchez of European Outsourcing Municipality. (EMO) Presentation: José Miguel Jiménez San Millán, Local Police Chief Avila.
14:00 h. Lunch break.
16:00 h. Battery Communications. Presenter and moderator: D. Lafuente Roman Leonardo Valentin, Chief of Police Local de Aranjuez (Madrid) and Secretary General of Unijepol.
- "The work of the local police for traffic calming in Pontevedra. D. Macenlle Daniel Diaz, Chief of Police Local of Pontevedra.
- "The comprehensive management of hotspots in Castellón. D. José María Villegas, Local Police Officer of Castellón de la Plana.
- "Traffic accidents and workplace accidents." D. Llamazares Javier Robles, Director of the English Foundation for Road Safety (Fesvial).
17:30 h. Closing of the Conference and presented the diplomas evidencing participation.

Funny Clip Art Garbage


Santiago Again, local Police Superintendent, sent us a link for downloading Watcher's Handbook of Private Security. Area Vocational Technical, Web page , unofficial page of the local police of Zaragoza.

The manual has 228 pages and has a weight of 9.3 Mb, which may be of interest to professionals in private and public security, covers topics such as security, the technical means of protection, the central alarm control, arrest techniques, self-protection, protection of buildings, sites ingustriales, funds and securities, etc..

Floods in Algeciras

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Does Lacrosse Gear Cost


on 6 March. The video has been edited by Algeciras information with videos uploaded to YouTube by numerous citizens.
The video shows the great quantity of water and hail fell on the city within hours, with an intensity and force hitherto unknown in the area, causing flooding of homes, local streets, with extensive damage to both individuals, vehicles, houses and shops, as in infrastructure, particularly in central and north of the city. It was even produced a tornado in Bay waters, a few meters from port, as shown in a part of the document.

Flooded Algeciras (March 6, 2011) Information from Algeciras on Vimeo .

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chemical Powered Toy Car


Table for speeding to be applied from the date March 7, 2011, as set out in the RD 303/2011 of 4 March, establishing a new limit on the maximum speed on motorways.

To see a clearer picture click on it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Professional Ceramic Pinch Pots

Big plans for this week.

this week we invited two poetry events that will occur in Seville:

1) CREATIVE WOMEN, 7 and 8 March 2011 in La Fundación Tres Culturas, Sevilla .

Talk "Creating female poetic in Al-Andalus and Morocco" by Mercedes Arriaga Flórez.

Reading poetry and Ikram Abdi Elena Medel.

participate in the Recital Perfopoético Syracuse Bravo Guerrero, Nuria Mezquita de Haro and Fernando Bazán .

also enjoy the concert Amina Alaoui.

be on 7 March (Monday) at 19:00 in Morocco Pavilion in the Isla de la Cartuja.

2) Angel Petisme in Bullets of CRAB NIGHT. Thursday March 10, 2011. 22 h.

presenting his new book / disk Uberto Stabile and Alejandro Luque.
El Perro Andaluz, C / Bustos Tavera, 11. 22:00 pm Angel

Petisme book brings together in a vigorous and exciting album with an exquisite edition, two artistic endeavors as a singer and writer. Under wood contains 15 songs previously unreleased songs 1987 and 1989 and 5 poems, recorded by Petisme and homeless (where he played guitar in the current Javier Vargas Vargas Blues Band) in the years before leaving the first solo album Petisme. Petisme For the record and his current band the Sons of Boreas have four songs re-recorded in studio at that time (remember the eighties , Calle del Pez , Volcano and morale is very high ).

have completed 20 years of editing the book of poems The ocean of Scripture (Libertarian Editions, 1989) which was discontinued. So in addition to the disc, and turning the volume, a new cover that leads to this edition of The ocean of Scripture revised and corrected by the author and where you add fifteen unpublished poems under the title De back to the sea . The is an old Underwood typewriter that used nineteenth-century writers and journalists such as Faulkner, Hemingway or Mark Twain. In 1983, when Petisme moved to Madrid, took one in the flea market and there he wrote these songs and poems. Under songs wood also has an allegorical meaning it can be translated as the songs that are under the forest or under the wood, so are these pieces of music that had slept more than 20 years in tapes, analog tapes and wooden shelves.
The book is designed for communication and has Doscuartos photographs Embid Tone, Angel Carrera, Lluna Vicente, Angel de Castro and José Luis Prieto.

hope you enjoy it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chase Walls On A Blueprint

sculpture in honor of Working Women by Antonio G. Hagan ª Villarán

Here are some pictures of sculpture I made in tribute to working women to be inaugurated today in Aznalcázar.

The objective of this project was to make a sculpture for the people of Aznalcázar. It is a female figure in bronze is a woman carrying a pitcher full body. The symbolism that has this figure is that of working women coming down every day to the power of the people to take home the most precious asset: the water. The effort required this activity is a reflection of what happens today in the workplace for women, so that we may be all reflected. The

woman is facing slope just down, and you have to

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up carrying pitchers of water, which symbolizes personal growth and courage to face any problem. Therefore, the uphill is also part of the idea of \u200b\u200bsculpture.

This statue is complemented by a marble base, where two images taken in ceramics of everyday scenes in which women are seen working. In one of the cloths the woman carrying the pitcher is accompanied by the figure of a girl, her daughter, who symbolize youth and culture learning popular. Is also a mature woman who could be the grandmother, which are represented the three ages of women. In the background is the well, remembering what was actually not so long ago. In the second cloth two women are picking olives, work that still takes place in Aznalcázar where there is no distinction between men and women.

These near-photographic images are entrenched in the collective memory of the people of

Aznalcázar. The village is thus a reminder of what life was before, thus providing an excuse to feel nearest to recover the past and historical memory so lost in these times.

Being a group of sculptures that are available in the old Plaza de la Fuente, ie outdoors, is made of bronze as the final material. Thus not affected by weather agents. This provides not only the retention time is also a symbol of hardness and strength.

More info HERE.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Samples Of Letters Of Income For Apartment

perfopoéticas proposals

just opened the deadline for receipt of proposals for PERFOPOESÍA, IV International Poetry Festival of Seville, 2011.

be held from 10 to 16 October and we would like you to tell us what you like to see at the Festival this year.

We are also closing the program, but we are open to receive and evaluate interesting proposals.

Send us yours to perfopoesía.direccion @