Sunday, February 27, 2011

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2 nd Meeting of Cities for Traffic Safety. The pedestrian, star of the cities

The Charter of Córdoba includes twelve objectives among which the creation of 30 zones and cycle lanes and integration road safety on local strategies for mobility

After two days of exchanging experiences and knowledge of road safety, 2 nd Meeting of Cities for Traffic Safety ends with the commitment of all participants to work for urban road safety and sustainable mobility, promoting policies, strategies and actions that create an urban environment safer, healthier and peaceful.

For this reason and considering that the cities are aware of the problem of the urban road accidents and that municipalities are responsible for consolidating the culture in their cities, in the 2 nd meeting were offered a series of objectives that will facilitate input from English cities to reduce accidents and improve road safety.

Participants in the 2 nd meeting state:
  • integrate road safety in local strategies for sustainable mobility and making sustainable mobility and accessibility universal fundamental values \u200b\u200bin planning and urban management.
  • To verify the need for an observatory for urban mobility in the General State Administration, a clearinghouse for sustainable mobility and road safety, to develop recommendations, standards, reports and disseminate best practices, as recommended by the European Action Plan for sustainable urban mobility.
  • Acting on the street design prioritizing the routes according to their use, creating a model city to ensure sustainable and safe mobility of all systems of travel and transportation, and promote a competitive business.
  • increase the protection of vulnerable groups through laextensión Zones 30 and living areas to match the speed to lasexigencias safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Planning a core network of cycle paths connecting complementary to the living areas, and promote public system of bicycle and other good practices to promote the bicycle as a system of mobility. Experience
  • road designs that help the living of the motorcycles with other vehicles on the road, according to their increasing incorporation into the system of urban mobility.

  • School Foster Road and safe routes as a tool to encourage cities to be educated in the values \u200b\u200bof coexistence, respect and civility.

  • permanently strengthen levels municipal road discipline, especially in regard to the most serious and active participation, local police in surveillance and control campaigns nationwide.
  • Adapt Rules of the road to the new vision of sustainable mobility and secure, so that municipal ordinances have a new legal framework that allows them to regulate mobility walking and cycling in the city.

  • Implement systems to improve collection and analysis of information on urban mobility and road accidents that feed into the national database of traffic accidents.
  • to Consider victims as the center that focuses action to improve road safety. Ensure the health and social care for victims of traffic accidents and their families, track their progress and a rehabilitation and compensation of just sequels.
  • Promote citizen participation and debate and promote local pacts mobility and road safety. Enhance collaboration among institutions to gain a better understanding of the accidents and to promote common action.

Secure Mobility Award

The jury awarded the City of Pontevedra Secure Mobility Award for his efforts to implement a model for local mobility more sustainable, and especially by the participation of different sectors and municipal departments in this process. The City Council has created Pontevedra, thus, an urban environment focused on the pedestrian, which helps reduce accidents and ensure that all citizens to move safely and healthy.

also made special mention of the City of Córdoba for their sustainable urban mobility plan that integrates the various sectoral programass, in which we work in areas such as security, mobility, education, infrastructure, planning and health, with effective results.

Institutions, Agencies and Associations

In this 2 nd meeting were more than 60 papers, including more than 20 municipalities, such as Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCordoba, San Sebastian, Malaga, Vitoria, Valladolid, Ávila, Pontevedra. Institutions and agencies such as the Catalan Traffic Service, the Traffic Department of the Basque Government, the Office of Traffic Safety, victims' associations as AESLEME, Stop Accidents, ASPAYM, DAY, PAT and Almaty. User associations and RACC, RACE, Mutua Motera, A Pie. Research institutes and foundations like CIDAUT. Universities such as Valencia, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBasque Country and Granada. And other central government agencies like the Land Transportation DireccionesGenerales and Quality and Environmental Assessment and the Barcelona

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The feeling of solidarity

I received this article from a thinker, writer and social analyst nationality English periodically sends me your articles for publication on my websites and blogs, something for which I am deeply grateful that nest on their content. By sending me this article titled "The feeling of solidarity" I automatically many of the concepts were applicable to discharges safety and driver education and the necessary change we all are proposing in this regard.

I thought fit, to remove local content that is in some paragraphs but then thought that it should publish it as it was written by the author and every reader of it draws its own consequences. Ultimately refers to solidarity, a value so named, as defendant and as bastardized as well, because everyone applies it in ways that are functional to their project, their situation and context. Misunderstood solidarity can become individualism.

rarely see that solidarity is taken seriously, that applies to all current life situations and result in a social climate that is expressed in the common good, even in traffic. I leave the note to be read, reread and reflect and, if they win, do your comments are welcome.

María Inés Maceratesi

The feeling of solidarity

by Javier Ibáñez

collectivist mentality invokes a noble feeling, a feeling that any ethically normal person undoubtedly has to admit. This feeling is, in short, that of solidarity, which, without doubt, is also an eminent virtue, when it runs into something temporary. And who can deny that this virtue is entirely indispensable to social life?

So far there-must have-a minimum of solidarity, the establishment run by the state necessarily. This certainly enough to justify the existence of this body. The society needs the state first and foremost because it requires minimal solidarity, as minimum, is necessarily required and which has to be a coercive body that in effect the implant. In this way, and even doing here an outline of the theory of the state, we find the figure of it as an indispensable agency for social life.

But there is another form of solidarity, which is what really deserves the prestigious name of virtue. Solidarity is exercised freely, which flows, spontaneous, from the best of our spirit when it manages to rise above selfish goals that chain our willing. Fully, as the spirit is to transcend itself, not getting locked into the merely individual. And our understanding is provided of the ability to go beyond the particular and concrete, making general laws that transcend the limits of simple sensory experience. And similarly, the human will is able to love the common good, opening the horizon of a general interest that goes beyond the purely private objectives. In their highest potential, the spirit is always universal, both in intellect and volition, of which it follows that, in principle, solidarity is something innate to the human spirit when it is not distorted or in any sense is ill.

This allows us to understand that the invocation of solidarity is an appeal to the most noble and high our spirit. However, the disadvantage of collectivism lies not in its initial appeal for solidarity, but just reducing it to its coercive forms imposed by the state. Hence the collectivism is, in short, a statist or statism.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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older drivers: A matter of fitness, not age

203 people over 65 died last year, 12% of all drivers killed, according to the DGT. The elderly do not have more accidents than other age groups, but in a traffic collision mortality is higher. Elderly, doctors and experts agree in rejecting the age limit for driving, claiming that the disability criteria not check the age, but the loss of function.

According publishes the journal Public on its website, those over 65 years account for 23 per 100 population in 2031, six percentage points more than now, according to a study of the CSIC. Ever more elderly people driving, but far from increasing medical checks at advanced ages, as suggested by some experts, the DGT in 2009 extended the terms of validity of license. That is, drivers between 45 and 65 years before the medical examination should be renewed every five years go to do ten, and those over 70, it must be renewed every five years instead of two. The term of license for drivers under 45 and between 65 and 70 is maintained at ten and five years respectively.

The elderly are more vulnerable and that triggers the statistics: "With the same mileage, the elderly have more accidents," said Juan Carlos Gonzalez, medical adviser to the DGT.

associations warn drivers of danger involved in limiting the preventive control in the elderly. Juan Antonio Sánchez, psychologist Road Safety department of the Royal Automobile Club of Spain (RACE), ensures that after 55 years "capabilities visual, hearing and reaction "are starting to deteriorate, so that" it must "review frequently as they affect driving. At age 60, he adds," is accelerated cognitive decline and dementia may occur early. " The Royal Automobile Club of Catalunya (RACC), is preparing a report on the elderly who drive, claiming that medical tests be "more comprehensive" especially those that evaluate the driver's visual capabilities.

The English Society Traffic Medicine reports that many schools "do in-depth reviews, look just above," said its president Fernando Pérez Torralba. Pilar Sayol agrees: "At the last review, I made four questions and I watched the eyes and ears at a time." Meanwhile, the English Association Driver Recognition Centres (CRC), that demands more resources and training, warned of "difficulty of physicians to detect when progressive disease." Its president, Juan Luis Arevalo, is convinced that extending the term of the license "will lead to more accidents."

But it seems that one thing they do agree on the elderly, doctors and experts and to reject the age limit for driving, claiming that the criterion disability does not check the age, but the loss of function.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Classes begin. Tips for those using school transport

We are already almost at the start of school and many children attend the school using the school bus. Here are some tips to take into account both by children and their parents, who will forward them the responsibility to meet their children and thus improve safe movement throughout the year.

tips and recommendations

90% of school bus accidents occur, according to United Nations, when the children go up and down the vehicle. It is therefore vital that parents and children themselves know how to act at all times and the issues to consider for your safety.

For children

leisurely walks and avoid risks. must arrive at the stop in time, at least five minutes before the time the bus passes.

Cross with care. The always crosses street in front of the bus and walk down the sidewalk. If no sidewalk, walk along the edge of the road until you reach a large distance (at least 3 meters) in front of the bus, but before crossing make sure the driver has seen you and understand that you are crossing. You must look at, always, first left, then right and then again on the left.

Keep a safe distance . When approaching the bus must stay at least two meters away. Do not walk behind the carriage, it is possible that the driver can not see you and if reverses atropellarte.

not collect the objects will fall near the bus. Ask the driver or passenger to be picked up for you.

You always do if the adult accompanying the driver. Inside the bus should not yell or fuss. signals and other vehicle safety features are not play. Also, do not distract the driver.

can not eat on the bus . is the duty of the school bus who used to give a proper treatment and care seats and keep the vehicle clean.

It up and down easily. Use the handrail to avoid falls and watch the hanging clothes and backpacks and school bags are not caught in the handrails or doors of the bus. When you get to the vehicle, do not push other children and sit in your seat quickly.

For parents

is for parents, primary responsibility for the education of their children, teach your children to behave safely as pedestrians and respect the rules basic bus.

Be a pedestrian right. Your children will learn to walk well and be much safer.

Claim civic behavior. Children should always be done if those responsible, driver and passenger-bus. This vehicle is a place of coexistence in which we need to demand good behavior at all times, for themselves and for others.

not stop attention. That parents should be made agreement with other parents, so that there is always an adult on the bus, especially when it comes to children under 9 years. If the students are above that age, they should go in groups to stop to make them more visible to drivers of vehicles.

Encourage the child to have a backpack ready. rush it can be dangerous because it makes us forget the basic precautions. In addition, it is for parents to eliminate, shorten or replace the restraint of clothing or accessories that could catch on the old playground equipment in the fences at the gates or bars and handrails of the bus.
Park your car on the side where the bus stops. Avoid parking on the opposite side of the bus stop because it would force the child to cross the street.

Tell yourself if you choose to collect your child . It is advisable to leave school a letter stating that under their responsibility, not use the school bus that day.

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  • The protocol has been presented at a Conference held at the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality which was attended by over 300 professionals.
  • The protocol recommends that efforts should be made to limit the severity of the trauma and suffering it causes, to prevent death and prevent disabilities.
  • The so-called "golden hour" is the stage where you can avoid the death rate (75%) through a proper initial health care and training time.
  • The Director General of Public Health, Ildefonso Hernandez, presented the protocol / guide actions and good practices in the initial care of traffic accident (TA) in a conference on this matter which was attended by over 300 professionals. Participated in the presentation also general director of Traffic, Pere Navarro, deputy director general of Civil Protection SAMUR, Ervigio Corral.

    This document is a first step in establishing a general framework for integrated action on this assistance. Poses the ideal scenario that should lay the emergency medical services, both in information systems, coordination and management as well as assistance to traffic accident.

    In developing this protocol have involved professionals who perform their work in the emergency medical services in nine regions, which has expanded the perspective on the different characteristics of each. He has also had the support of technicians from the ministries of Health, Social Affairs and Equality, and Interior.

    traffic injuries are a public health issue requiring a multisectoral approach. Preventing such injuries is a responsibility shared by all. Once the occurrence of the accident, every effort should be addressed to limit the severity of the trauma and suffering causes, to prevent deaths and prevent disabilities and, finally, to achieve optimal evolution of survivors and their reintegration into the community.

    addition to prevention, we need the coordinated sequence of actions that begins with witnesses or persons who discovered the accident, which play an important role in continuing with the rescue of those injured by the emergency services and medical emergency , and culminates in the treatment of injuries and rehabilitation.


    The different actors involved in the accident detection traffic and subsequent health care can contribute to improving service times bumpy. This assertion is based on the concept of "golden hour", coined by Dr. Adams Crowley, a military surgeon and director of the Care Center of Maryland shock trauma. Dr. Crowley said "There is a golden hour between life and death. If you are seriously injured, you have less than 60 minutes to survive. You can not die then, but I can do three days or two weeks later, because something has happened in your body that is irreparable. "

    Mortality in accidents Traffic has, from the point of view of time, a characteristic phase distribution:

    * Phase 1. Occurs in the first few seconds or minutes after the accident, representing 10% of all deaths due to severe injuries or breakage Central Nervous System of the great arteries. It is very difficult or almost impossible to prevent these deaths.

    * Phase 2. The so-called "golden hour", as often happens in the first or second hour after the accident. Constitutes the highest mortality (75%). The deaths, at this stage are mainly due to obstructions airway or loss of circulating volume. Is the phase in which they can avoid the higher rate of deaths through early appropriate health care, time and training.

    * Phase 3. Occurs days or weeks after the traumatic incident. Tend to generate 15% of total mortality. Is usually due to complications after initial treatment (multiorgan failure, postoperative complications, etc.). They take a big effort and a lot of resources to reduce mortality in this phase.

    This consideration also affects morbidity (sickness) of the lesions. The aftermath can be more and more a function of the delay in providing assistance and care in the final resolution in the hospital. Thus, the time factor is an essential element throughout the care process.


    Each of the processes in the initial care of the victim has different temporal duration. Begins with the notification of the incident by the citizen or institution arousal, and ends with the transfer of the patient receiving hospital or Useful Center. " In addition, you should add the time spent in the hospital until the application of the so-called "useful therapy, surgery in most patients traumatized by accident. In all processes must be noted that this is a time-dependent disease, in which all care decisions should take into account the chronological parameter.

    Various studies in both Europe and the U.S. have shown that the provision of health care for the victims of AT, especially the severe patients (1.5%) is essential to reduce the severity of those between 15% and 50% of cases. This assistance goes to have an adequate emergency medical service to provide early care and "in situ" the patient, and a network of hospitals with adequate capacity to serve these patients (so-called "Trauma Center" .) It has been shown that the transfer of multiple trauma patients led to useful sites, and not to the nearest hospital can be a decrease in mortality up to 15%.


    The process of emergency care for accidents trafficking involves multiple factors and, above all, an optimal setting to enable quality care to the injured. An optimal scenario must satisfy at least the following circumstances:
    • A central communications with a single access number, known by all citizens, to respond with minimal delay to any emergency.
    • A medical emergency service that gives adequate coverage in response times to the area of \u200b\u200bcompetence.
    • The existence of health professionals trained in health care units to ensure advanced life support care to injured patients. There are procedures
    • operational and health care that enable the same quality care, regardless of their carers.
    • Existence of a protocol for coordination with referral hospitals, enabling a continuity of care without delay or duplication of diagnosis and treatment.
    • Existence of a system of collecting data on traffic accidents attended.


    This conference aims to discover this Protocol or Guide recommendations for improving the process of providing initial health care in traffic accidents all involved. It is a first step in establishing a general framework for integrated action on this assistance, raising an ideal scenario that should lay the emergency medical services, both in information systems, coordination, management and assistance to traffic accident.

    This chapter covers the following:

    1. Education and Training: a school population, general public, first responder and health personnel
    2. Call Management: What is a communications center and a focal point of health. Personal and responsibilities. How should you manage a call? (Interrogation, first councils, making decisions for the activation and mobilization of resources) and accidents with multiple victims. Quality criteria and recommendations.
    3. Network resources: This chapter provides a number of technical criteria to enable the Health Services of the Autonomous Communities have a tool to size the network of resources both human and material, to provide an adequate response and optimal victims in an AT .
    4. Operating procedures and assistance in caring for AT: Describe all actions taken by health professionals, both on site and during transport and transfer to more appropriate health center, where you will receive definitive treatment of his injuries.
    5. Shared information network: records. Discusses the various sources of information and proposes the creation of a network in which information can be shared key generated by the emergency services.
    6. Indicators of effectiveness of emergency services in the AT: Need for indicators common quality to all emergency services. Is a set of indicators that evaluate the different processes, call receiving centers, operational capacity of the emergency system, the quality of care and, ultimately, the overall system efficiency.

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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    Video warning about the use of seat belts

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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    in any traffic accident with injuries forces and law enforcement authorities (Traffic Group of the Guardia Civil, Catalan police, Ertzaintza or local police) are required to make a police report. Proper and complete preparation of it is very important. Therefore, people who are in place and are in position to do so it is recommended that care be advised that the competent authority responsible for the preparation of the affidavit to proceed with its development. Also, if there were eyewitnesses, taking their data and ask them to wait for the arrival of the agents of the competent authority so they can testify.

    have any pain or discomfort is very important to go to the nearest hospital to receive medical care and injuries are properly diagnosed, and where you will be provided a medical report from them. If you are hospitalized or receiving outpatient treatment has also later be given a medical report at the time of discharge, important to be able to prove their injuries and claim their rights. If it is subsequently called to testify by the coroner has to provide all available medical records.

    must present the relevant part of accident insurance company as soon as possible (the legal term is 7 days, but may occur later if there is good cause).

    If you have suffered personal injuries, loss of a loved one, a moral injury, medical expenses, loss of revenue, damage to the vehicle or other property, is entitled to claim and receive compensation (civil action) .

    is important that before reaching any according to the insurer of the vehicle responsible proceed to the appropriate expert advice of his rights to make its decision in full knowledge of the law.

    Even if you reach a compensation agreement with the insurer otherwise has the right to maintain the exercise of penal action against the driver responsible for the accident, if it considers that his conduct was criminal or misdemeanor.

    To perform both actions, it is advisable to consult a lawyer specializing in traffic accidents. You should be aware that you can change lawyers if you do not agree with your advice or not enough confidence. There

    a period of 6 months to file a complaint , you either direct victim of an accident or harmed by death in the family, if they are injured or disabled minors, the complaint must be filed legal representative.

    any doubt you can also go to help associations and counsels victims of traffic accidents where you can get more information.

    Monday, February 21, 2011

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    Article 379.2 of the Penal Code as amended by Law 5 / 2010 of June 22, contains two assumptions. First punishes those who drive a motor vehicle or moped while under the influence of toxic drugs, narcotics, psychotropic substances or alcohol with imprisonment of three to six months or a fine of six to twelve months or to work for the benefit of community of thirty-one to ninety days, and in any case, the deprivation of the right to drive motor vehicles and motorcycles for longer than one to four years. In the latter case it is punishable with penalties for those driving with a blood alcohol level in expired air than 0.60 milligrams per liter or with a blood alcohol level exceeding 1.20 grams per liter.

    The first course covers cases in which charges dropped in alcohol screening test does not exceed 0.60 milligrams of alcohol per liter of breath or 1.20 grams of alcohol per liter of blood. Also included in this course, those cases in which there is no screening (for toxic drugs, narcotics, psychotropic drugs, etc). In these cases the police report should include other evidence, that is, the symptoms noted on the driver, so it will be necessary to describe the circumstances of the conduct and outward signs of intoxication in the driver and will need testing made shall be subject to a strict compliance with the Articles 12 and 20-26, Traffic Regulations.

    In the second case, the offense has a factual settings (rate higher than 0.60 mg / l) which has to be reflected by the corresponding breath test, so it is necessary to meet all requirements for the use of alcohol detection instruments and drugs, are as a result acquired a decisive importance. These instruments must meet all these requirements of the Metrology Act, 08/07/2005, 21/07/2006 RD and OM ITC/3699 and 3707 of 22/11/2006.

    In any case, ie, in both cases, police reports should be collected A record of signs or symptoms outer conductor. Must incorporate also the documentation of breathalyzer used, where is stated the date of commissioning of the breathalyzer, the date of approval of the model and if the breathalyzer has been repaired or modified and the date of repair or modification. This will enable the court to verify that the certificate is attached to the corresponding packed and also will calculate the error applicable to the appliance.

    These margins of error that must be taken into account in both cases are set out in Articles 3, 9 and 15 of the OM ITC/3707, depending on whether of breathalyzer new, repaired or modified or longer than one year in service and have passed a periodic check. The errors must be taken into account, therefore, are:

      In breathalyzer
    • encountered during their first year of service, which has been repaired or modified, the error is 5%, therefore the measured value must be less than 0.64 mg / l in order to fulfill the crime rate only.
    • breathalyzer In carrying more than one year in service or have been repaired or changed the error to be considered will be 7.5%, so the value must be measured less than 0.65 mg / l in order to fulfill the crime rate only.

    This means that, if not exceed the rate established in the Penal Code and no other signs or symptoms sufficient, the processing of the complaint will be administrative, ie before the Headquarters Provincial Traffic or before the corresponding City Council, according to the territory in which the offense was committed. If it exceeds the rate established in the Code shall apply below with gear ratios, depending on the type of device in question, and if the result exceeds the maximum rates corrected to be charged for a crime against road safety, there will be a corresponding packed and sent to the Judicial Authority and the Department.

    Similarly, if there has been a driving abnormal or if there are signs or symptoms of intoxication, even if no such rate is exceeded, it shall instruct the relevant Attestation for referral to the Judicial Authority and the public prosecutor, to be accompanied by reports, investigation procedures and certificates mentioned above.
    Once the breathalyzer measurement errors apply reviewed, as appropriate, and will be processed by the court on the complaint (packed) only when the results of these operations continue throwing an alcohol level above those provided for in Article 379.2 of the Penal Code or when symptoms are sufficient.

    Friday, February 18, 2011

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    The Charter contains twelve objectives among which the creation of 30 zones and cycle paths and the integration of road safety in local mobility strategies.

    After two days of exchanging experiences and knowledge of road safety, 2 nd Meeting of Cities for Traffic Safety ends with the commitment of all participants to work for urban road safety and sustainable mobility, promoting policies, strategies and actions that create an urban environment safer, healthier and peaceful.

    For this reason and considering that the cities are aware of the problem of the accident urban road and that municipalities are responsible for consolidating the culture in their cities, in the 2 nd meeting were proposed a number of objectives will facilitate input from English cities to reduce accidents and improve road safety.

    Participants in the 2 nd meeting state:

    Integrate road safety in local strategies for sustainable mobility and making sustainable mobility and accessibility universal fundamental values \u200b\u200bin planning and urban management.

    To verify the need for an observatory for urban mobility in the General State Administration , a clearinghouse for sustainable mobility and road safety, to develop recommendations, technical standards, reports and disseminate good practice Following the recommendation of the European Action Plan for sustainable urban mobility.

    Actuate the design of streets by prioritizing the use way, creating a model city to ensure sustainable and safe mobility of all systems of travel and transportation, and promote a competitive business.

    increase the protection of vulnerable groups by extending Areas 30 and living areas to match the speed to the requirements of the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

    Planning a core network of cycle paths connecting complementary to the living areas, and promote public system of bicycle and other good practices to promote the bicycle as a system of mobility. Experience

    road designs that help the living of the bikes with other vehicles on the road, according to their increasing incorporation into the system of urban mobility.

    School Foster Road and safe routes as a tool to encourage cities to be educated in the values \u200b\u200bof coexistence, respect and civility.

    permanently strengthen discipline levels municipal road, especially in regard to the most serious and active participation, local police in monitoring campaigns and national control.

    Adapt Rules of the road to the new vision of sustainable and safe mobility , so that municipal ordinances have a new legal framework that allows them to regulate mobility walking and cycling in the city.

    Implement systems to improve collection and analysis of information road accidents on urban mobility and feeding the national database of traffic accidents. Consider

    victims as center that focuses on action to improve road safety. Ensure the health and social care to victims traffic accidents and their families, track their progress and a rehabilitation and compensation of just sequels.

    Promote citizen participation and debate and promote the covenants local mobility and road safety. Enhance collaboration among institutions to gain a better understanding of the accidents and to promote common action.


    The jury awarded the Municipality of Pontevedra Secure Mobility Award for the efforts he has made to implement a local model more sustainable mobility and, in particular the participation of different sectors and municipal departments in this process. The City Council has created Pontevedra, thus, an urban environment focused on the pedestrian, which helps reduce accidents and ensure that all citizens to move safely and healthy.

    also made special mention of the City of Córdoba for their sustainable urban mobility plan that integrates the various sectoral programass, in which we work in areas such as security, mobility, education, infrastructure, planning and health with effective results.


    In this 2 nd meeting were more than 60 papers, including more than 20 municipalities, such as Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCordoba, San Sebastian, Malaga, Vitoria, Valladolid, Ávila, Pontevedra. Institutions and agencies such as the Catalan Traffic Service, the Traffic Department of the Basque Government, the Office of Traffic Safety, victims' associations as AESLEME, Stop Accidents, ASPAYM, DAY, PAT and Almaty. User associations and RACC, RACE, Mutua Motera, A Pie. Research institutes and foundations like CIDAUT. Universities such as Valencia, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBasque Country and Granada. And other central government agencies as Directorates-General of Land Transportation and Environmental Quality and Assessment and the Provincial of Barcelona.

    more information and .

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    Nickelodeon in March: Wave of new episodes

    Nickelodeon in March will not present the only relevant news releases for the signal to be next month will be new episodes and special following series: iCarly SpongeBob, and Penguins Big Time Rush ; special episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants Be Happy "throughout month, the Big Time this weekend, especially on "Make it Shine " of Victorious and reality of Nick "Big Nick House" 2011.

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    Thursday, February 17, 2011

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    Poets The ideal home. Dreaming is free. POETRY

    Just a few days ago has opened in Seville Poets House, one of the projects in the Cultural Center Santa Clara. The place can not be better, it is a partially restored former convent which has several rooms and a wonderful playground. While there remain many feet to restore, this first phase leaves some well-appointed rooms and a library that will grow with time.

    As a start is not bad, but the center was created with no principal, and that is worrying. I can not imagine a large ship, with its rudder, its cabins, crew and even curtains in the bathroom, but no captain. Towards where will this ship?

    other hand I hope the Poets House will become a vessel worthy of all that is happening in the city in recent years, and serves as a springboard for creating a real and potent tissue, both poets as interesting editorial. To achieve this professional advice is essential. How many young poets are lost, not knowing what to do with his writings?

    I also hope that the house has good presence on the web. To my knowledge, so far there is no page dedicated to the Centre, let alone the House of Poets.

    I would also like to go grab a coffee and buy books of poetry at the Poets House, although currently there is no cafeteria or store, but I think it is in the pipeline.

    goes without saying that among the areas designated may be made exhibitions, screenings, book launches, festivals, poetry cycles, and a thousand and one more thing.

    Even though I left many things in the ink-forgiveness, on the keyboard, "I hope that Sevilla have a good Poets House, as only this city deserves.

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    Today One Bedroom Burning: Details, Photos and Information

    the time I already! Today comes the 4th season of iCarly to Latin America, with its first chapter entitled''A Burning Room''or''''Hot Room iGot to


    Comes Carly Spencer's birthday and wants to impress her with a lamp of gummy bears and install it in a room with Carly, but it occurs a short circuit and fire the room with Carly, Spencer had a grandmother clock that cost $ 82.000 which uses to reconstruct the room next to Freddie Carly, Sam, Gibby and other workers while Carly works with T-bo to see if you can collect the money to his room, but when Spencer comes home surprises with your new room.

    Today: February 17
    Time: 8:00 AM / MEX
    8:30 PM / VEN
    Repeats: NO confirmed (possibly Saturday)

    episode Photos

    who want to see the episode and he should leave the link to be seen

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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    ANECDOTES Worthy

    a BA in History from the University of Seville and Civil Guard member since 2007. Is the author of Worthy ANECDOTES, which contains many stories about the Civil Guard Corps.

    What do a priest and a prostitute in a car at one o'clock in the morning by a forest track? Can Caudillo Franco off a revolt in a nursing home? And a naked man in a schoolyard? Can a mute be terminated by insults and threats? The answers to these questions and many more are in the Meritorious stories, a book compiled by a server in the country with the clear aim of moving the public the most kind and sympathetic face of the Guardia Civil and start a smile to your readers.

    Here is a cluster of fanciful stories, moments incredible, eccentric characters, extraordinary situations and contexts endearing, humorous and even most fiction that will delight the reader.

    After its first official presentation on 21 December at the headquarters of the Guardia Civil de Barcelona (together with the presentation of another work, of which we noticed in a previous post , " Sereno in danger. The historical adventure Civil Guard" of Lorenzo Silva) and a second presentation, this time at the Academy of the Guardia Civil Baeza 24 last January, his third rushing German Cowboy stop the schedule of performance, this time in the city of Seville, Carmona the next day February 25 at the Cultural Hall of the Old Chapel of San Pedro Hospital.

    To learn more about this book you can consult the following website:

    Mens 80s Bathing Suit

    More accident prevention devices or over the life care? Drivers

    a short time ago I saw this film and as usual, I simply stop what I'm seeing and hearing but try to see what I want to convey, beyond argument images or dialogue. I think the film is very good way to make people think and that is a wonderful educational resource as long as they project the film and open the debate having a clear goal and objective to which we want to, without forcing but trying guide and educate the eye.

    This film called "surrogate" gave rise to me to think about road safety, see the trailer and realize. I think looking for more devices paired with the car, even campaigns that are implemented, the messages have to be shocking. We have no substitutes and can not evade the real world, at least for now. No one and

    cause any feeling to see pictures of traffic accidents, even when the news show us the dead but perhaps impacting us consider the possibility that mankind will have to get to what this film shows and also conclude that not enough nothing is done trying to avoid danger, not even having a robotic replacement. The risk is there, life is risk, but is minimized to keep each as long as possible a body, mind and psyche as healthy as possible.

    Technological advances will not stop unless a disaster destroys the known world and have to reinvent everything so it depends on you, me and God and the necessary bond that involves us and my sister.

    Take care and take care of me, I promise to do the same.

    Text: María Inés Maceratesi

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    In a previous post I reproduced entirely the Service Note 1 / 11 on the police seizure of motor vehicles and motorcycles issued by the Prosecutor's Office of Andalucia, Ceuta and Melilla, which will, in this territory, to systematize the procedure, clearing the doubts that could will come about when to intervene to justice a motor vehicle or a motorcycle whose driver has committed any offense against road safety following the reform of the current Penal Code. The conclusions of this letter prosecutors established as criteria for intervention:

    1 .- They shall not take the vehicle to bring it to court if they belong to a third party in good faith is not responsible for the crime.
    2 .- As the offending owner, the vehicle will be involved in the following cases:
    a) is involved a crime of the arts. 380 and 381 of the CP, ie, driving recklessly or with conscious disregard for the lives of others.
    b) if as a result of a crime against road safety (art. 379-385 CP) has occurred resulting in death (art. 142 PC) or serious injury (art. 152 CP)
    c) in the case of a crime of failing to rescue the art. CP 195.3
    d) in crimes of art. 379, 384 and 385 CP, when bona fide evidence that the offender was sentenced prior to the events under investigation for crimes against road safety, at least three times in the last year from date to date.

    On February 4, 2011 the Chief Prosecutor of the Provincial Prosecutor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria issued an Instruction, the 1 / 2011, also with the purpose of establishing general criteria apply in these cases. This agrees Instruction The criteria that should govern the seizure have to stick to those facts that are of particular gravity. Thus, for example, matches the criteria a) of the Attorney General of Andalusia, where the vehicle is implied in a crime of Articles 380 and 381 of the CP, or b) when any of the crimes against road safety with a harmful outcome, either killing or serious injury through negligence. Match

    both instructions that the forfeiture is not appropriate when the motor vehicle or motorcycle belonging to a third party, where in good faith and has acquired the vehicle legally, but the Prosecutor of the Palms specifies that must be taken account of the real property of the vehicle, beyond the registered ownership. Also

    coiciden to make repeated mention of the crime, but in the case of Andalusia Attorney believes that the offender has been convicted before, for crimes against road safety, at least three times in the last year from date to date, while the Prosecutor of Las Palmas estimated that only requires that the offender has committed a third criminal any of the types of crime and punishable under Articles 379 and 384, without requiring proof of both the offender's previous convictions.

    addition, the Prosecutor of Las Palmas adds a new criterion to proceed to the police seizure of the vehicle as an instrument of crime: in cases of driving under the influence of alcohol, toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances, and driving speeding punishable, provided that the rate, or excessive influence than at least double the limits of the Penal Code itself, thereby creating a risk that would allow the trial of danger.

    With all that is evident is the disparity of criteria that are or will be used to validate the various prosecution or police intervention vehicles that have been used to commit these crimes, which would necessitate issuance of a higher-level instruction to standardize the performance of security and police forces in these cases.

    Tuesday, February 15, 2011

    Alternatives To Bubbles At A Wedding

    beginners, what does the law

    When a person agrees to the license in the City of Buenos Aires, is asked to circulate with a sign with the letter P in his car, which identifies them as beginners . So provided by the Traffic Code of the City but not always true. What

    law says

    The Code City Transit , states: "The driver is licensed for the first time, whatever their age, is enabled only for one (1) year and must lead in the first six (6) months being visible in the bottom of the windshield and rear window of the vehicle, a hallmark of ten (10) of fifteen (15) cm with the letter "P" in white on a green background that identifies your status beginner. The badge is issued by the entity granting the license along with enabling. "

    The green piece of cardboard made in the Press of the City, and it seems A vaccination certificate, with P almost unreadable on the front, adheres to Article 13 of the National Traffic Law and slogan for six months, the carrier, a beginner, you should show this document and restricting their range of movement. The idea is not to punish: the idea is to protect others from someone who is still legally considered inexperienced and, incidentally, to protect himself from bad rookie transit Buenos Aires. But obviously, none of this is true. Some say they do not receive the placard. If you are not using it, because here are all born knowing. And, agencies should control what type of law, argues that it is an impossible task. Meanwhile, are licensed by accidents. A deadly cocktail.

    In Germany there are almost no traffic police because people joined as conduct road safety but Argentina still cultural change is expected to compromise over the drivers and do not put emphasis only on the controls if not, it would take a agent for each driver. Everyone

    responsibility towards road safety and the waters are divided between those who believe in the need to take responsibility and expect all of the controls. Once, when asked by a newspaper Gustavo Brambati of CESVI said "The idea is that experienced solidarity with the new drivers to be tolerant. But also helps with the controls, because a new driver can drive only low-risk sites. It is vital to understand that many accidents are caused by the lack of experience, which is a driving value .

    In some European countries misconduct beginners increase their severity, but in the City of Buenos Aires not provides a penalty for those who do not identify with the letter P . Also in other countries have banned beginners driving at night, unless accompanied by someone with experience in conducting and applying zero tolerance for alcohol. The fact is that even in Argentina is a lot to learn.

    Church Letter Request

    EDIBLE. Exhibition and tasting the March 21, 2011, World Poetry Day.


    To celebrate the World Day of poetry, which will be the next March 21, we thought to bring some innovative ideas for bringing poetry to the maximum possible group of people. So we've designed an exhibition and tasting EDIBLE POETRY.

    The event will take place at the newly opened POETS HOUSE of SEVILLE in Santa Clara Cultural Center, C / Grant S / N.

    invited poets made a culinary work will turn a visual poem or simply a poem made products after can be eaten. We find, for example, a poem in which the letters are chocolate chip cookies, or a haiku made on a giant white chocolate cake, or the word sugar formed by hillocks of grains of salt.
    Joan Brossa, in his book "Eclipse", and said this method to put a fried egg on top of a wafer. This is a visual poem, in turn, is also edible.

    The exhibition will last only 2 hours, after which attendees can sample the works of poets.

    Monday, February 14, 2011

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    On the 40th anniversary of the incorporation of women to the Municipal Police of Madrid, to be held a National Meeting of Women Police, organized by the Department of Safety and Mobility Government of Madrid City Council and the Municipal Police Madrid, with the collaboration of UNIJEPOL, to be held on 22 and 23 March 2011, the Center for Integrated Safety Training and Emergency (CIFS) of the City of Madrid, C / Sepúlveda n º 153 - Madrid



    09:00 h. Accreditation of the participants.

    09:30 h. Opening of the meeting.
    With the participation of D. Pedro Calvo Poch, Councillor, Deputy Government Department for Safety and Mobility of the City of Madrid.

    10:00 h. Commemorative photograph of the authorities and the participants in the meeting.

    10:15 h. Opening lecture: "Fundamentals gender equality. Evolution and future perspectives .
    D. Miguel Lorente Acosta, Government Representative for Gender Violence.
    Presentation: Londoño Javier Conde, General Coordinator Safety of the City of Madrid.

    11:00 h. Café.

    11:30 h. Video presentation commemorating the 40 years since the incorporation of women to the Municipal Police in Madrid.

    11:45 h. Lecture: "Project Athena the Madrid Municipal Police .
    Ms. Teresa Gil Manzano, Deputy Inspector of the Municipal Police of the City of Madrid.
    Presentation: Emilio Monteagudo Parralejo, Chief Inspector of the Municipal Police of Madrid.

    12:30 h. Lecture: "Public security and gender: women and police work." Ms. Carmen María Martínez Morales, Mayor Mayor and 2nd Chief of the Almería Local Police.
    Presents: Ms. Maria Julia González Calleja, Mayor and Chief of General Staff Command of the Municipal Police of Valladolid.

    13:15 h. Lunch break.

    15:30 h. Group interview. " Men and women in the police: we are far from equality? .
    Leader: Ms. Julia García Alvarez, an expert on gender.
    Participants: D. Xavier Vilaro i Camps, Mayor Mayor Chief of the Guardia Urbana de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMs. Ana María Muñoz Rodriguez, Captain of the Civil Guard, assigned to the Office of Homeland Security Studies (GESI) of the Secretariat of State for Security, Ms Lidia García Alba, Municipal Police Officer in Madrid and Ms. Antonia Mena Lopez, Commissioner of National Police and Deputy Director of Counter-Terrorism Center.

    17:00 h. Transfer and check the Integrated Security Center and Emergency Madrid (CISEM).

    18:30 h. Transfer to hotels.

    20:30 h. Collection of hotels and transfer to the Cecilio Rodríguez gardens in the Parque del Buen Retiro de Madrid.

    21:00 pm Gala dinner at the Gardens Cecilio Rodriguez.

    REQUIRED: FEMALE, COCKTAIL, men, dark suits.



    09:30 h. Communication: " The report on the status of gender equality in the local police Castellón.
    D. José Luis Carques Vera, Governor General of Police Chief Local Castellon de la Plana.
    Presents: Ms. Sonia Rodríguez García, Municipal Police Officer of Madrid.

    10:15 h. Communication: " Positive Action to encourage the influx of women into the local police Fuenlabrada.
    Ms. Aurea Ramos Lorenzo, Cape Fuenlabrada Local Police, responsible for Affirmative Action.
    Presents: Ms. Esther de Gregorio de Miguel, Municipal Police Officer of Madrid.

    11:00 h. Café.

    11:30 h. Group interview. "Four decades ago the incorporation of women into the local police: some stories of life .
    Leader: Ms. Ema Teresa Pereda Lopez Municipal Police Officer of Madrid.
    Speakers: Ms. Teresa Carrasco López, Mayor, Chief of Police Local Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona), Ms. Amalia Role, Agent 1, promotion of women police Municipal de Madrid, Ms. Francisca Núñez Borrero, Inspector-Chief of Local Police Almonte (Huelva) and Ms. Ana Álvarez Álvarez, Municipal Police Officer of Madrid.

    12:45 h. Meeting conclusions and perspectives for equality in policing.
    D. Emilio Monteagudo Parralejo, Chief Inspector of the Municipal Police of Madrid.

    13:15 h. Delivery of awards to women I Promotion of the Madrid Municipal Police and other women, prominent in the exercise of the police profession.

    13:30 h. Closing.
    With the participation of Ms. Concepcion Dancausa Treviño, Executive Councillor, the Government Department of Family and Social Services.


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    Total continues to strengthen its commitment to Road Safety Tips for family

    TOTAL launched its campaign "Suman, your commitment to road safety" Dakar Rally in 2011 and continue for three years with various activities throughout the country, to collaborate with PREVENTION road in Argentina

    The campaign was to organize activities for the kids, who drew their hands on two Amarok Volkswagen vans that traveled around the country on the Dakar Rally, to raise awareness on road safety. Addition each received a brochure detailing the key actions to prevent accidents.

    The trucks traveled the country on the Dakar Rally. In the province of Córdoba Renault driver Guillermo Ortelli TC 2000 , which this year will compete with ELF was invited to the VIP TOTAL and along with Joel Navarron, Director of Total LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean), joined their hands to the Campaign.

    After the Dakar, the trucks were taken to the Atlantic Coast to continue the action in Pinamar and Mar del Plata.

    During the course of the campaign were delivered more than 60 000 brochures with information on the prevention of road accidents were also distributed more than 10 thousand stickers. The boys over 15 000 small hands stamped on the accompanying truck traffic this prevention plan developed by TOTAL .

    The objective is to work with younger ones to spread the importance of PREVENTION on road safety and strengthen the link with the general public. "We are proud to be part of this campaign of prevention and awareness of something so important in our country as road safety," said Aixa Brizzio Dominguez - Manager of Public Relations and External Communications TOTAL Argentina. TOTAL

    thus strengthen its commitment to society, providing its core values \u200b\u200bas a company. During the year there will be more activities that will join other partners such as Discovery Kids, Renault and Renault Truck. This type of partnership strengthens the arrival of messages to the whole society. Notably

    both prevention and awareness are certainly vital tools, where information on road safety is very important.

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    KCA'S 2011 Promo and Dancing Crazy

    This is the 1st promo official KCA'S 2011 where he immediately said that Jack Black will be the driver, in this case, journalists are asking questions of Jack Black in the press conference (including Justin Bieber)

    Nominees remember

    Favorite TV Show
    Rush • Big Time
    iCarly • The Suite Life on Deck
    • Wizards of Waverly Place
    Favorite Reality Show
    • American Idol
    • America’s Funniest Home Videos
    • America’s Got Talent
    • Wipeout
    Favorite TV Actor
    • Joe Jonas
    • Nick Jonas
    • Cole Sprouse
    • Dylan Sprouse
    Favorite TV Actress
    • Miranda Cosgrove
    • Miley Cyrus
    • Selena Gomez
    • Victoria Justice
    Funniest TV Sidekick
    • David Henrie
    • Jennette McCurdy
    • Noah Munck
    • Brenda Song
    Favorite Cartoon
    • The Penguins of Madagascar
    • Phineas & Ferb
    • Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated
    • SpongeBob SquarePants
    Favorite Male Athlete
    • Peyton Manning
    • Shaquille O’Neal
    • Michael Phelps
    • Shaun White
    Favorite Female Athlete
    • Danica Patrick
    • Lindsey Vonn
    • Serena Williams
    • Venus Williams
    Favorite Movie
    • Alice in Wonderland
    • Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
    • The Karate Kid
    Favorite Movie Actor
    • Jack Black (Gulliver’s Travels)
    • Johnny Depp (Alice in Wonderland)
    • Dwayne Johnson (Tooth Fairy)
    • Jaden Smith (The Karate Kid)
    Favorite Movie Actress
    • Miley Cyrus (The Last Song)
    • Ashley Judd (Tooth Fairy)
    • Kristen Stewart (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse)
    • Emma Watson (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1)
    Favorite Animated Movie
    • Despicable Me
    • How to Train Your Dragon
    • Shrek Forever After
    • Toy Story 3
    Favorite Voice from an Animated Movie
    • Tim Allen (Toy Story 3)
    • Cameron Diaz (Shrek Forever After)
    • Tom Hanks (Toy Story 3)
    • Eddie Murphy (Shrek Forever After)
    Favorite Butt-Kicker
    • Steve Carell (Despicable Me)
    • Jackie Chan (The Karate Kid)
    • Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man 2)
    • Will Ferrell (Megamind)
    Favorite Music Group
    • Big Time Rush
    • Black Eyed Peas
    • Jonas Brothers
    • Lady Antebellum
    Favorite Male Singer
    • Justin Bieber
    • Bruno Mars
    • Jay-Z
    • Usher
    Favorite Female Singer
    • Miley Cyrus
    • Selena Gomez
    • Katy Perry
    • Taylor Swift
    Favorite Song
    • “Baby” (by Justin Bieber, featuring Ludacris)
    • “California Gurls” (by Katy Perry, featuring Snoop Dogg)
    • “Hey, Soul Sister” (by Train)
    • “Mine” (by Taylor Swift)
    Favorite Book
    • Diary of Wimpy Kid series
    • Dork Diaries
    • Vampire Academy series
    • Witch and Wizard series
    Favorite Videogame
    Just Dance 2 • Mario vs.
    . Donkey Kong: Mini-Mayhem Land
    • Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
    • Super Mario Galaxy 2
    And in other news came as the video of Miranda Cosgrove called " 'Dancing Crazy''
    Insertion Due to problems we could not put the link