Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots In Disney World

2 nd Meeting of Cities for Traffic Safety. The pedestrian, star of the cities

The Charter of Córdoba includes twelve objectives among which the creation of 30 zones and cycle lanes and integration road safety on local strategies for mobility

After two days of exchanging experiences and knowledge of road safety, 2 nd Meeting of Cities for Traffic Safety ends with the commitment of all participants to work for urban road safety and sustainable mobility, promoting policies, strategies and actions that create an urban environment safer, healthier and peaceful.

For this reason and considering that the cities are aware of the problem of the urban road accidents and that municipalities are responsible for consolidating the culture in their cities, in the 2 nd meeting were offered a series of objectives that will facilitate input from English cities to reduce accidents and improve road safety.

Participants in the 2 nd meeting state:
  • integrate road safety in local strategies for sustainable mobility and making sustainable mobility and accessibility universal fundamental values \u200b\u200bin planning and urban management.
  • To verify the need for an observatory for urban mobility in the General State Administration, a clearinghouse for sustainable mobility and road safety, to develop recommendations, standards, reports and disseminate best practices, as recommended by the European Action Plan for sustainable urban mobility.
  • Acting on the street design prioritizing the routes according to their use, creating a model city to ensure sustainable and safe mobility of all systems of travel and transportation, and promote a competitive business.
  • increase the protection of vulnerable groups through laextensión Zones 30 and living areas to match the speed to lasexigencias safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Planning a core network of cycle paths connecting complementary to the living areas, and promote public system of bicycle and other good practices to promote the bicycle as a system of mobility. Experience
  • road designs that help the living of the motorcycles with other vehicles on the road, according to their increasing incorporation into the system of urban mobility.

  • School Foster Road and safe routes as a tool to encourage cities to be educated in the values \u200b\u200bof coexistence, respect and civility.

  • permanently strengthen levels municipal road discipline, especially in regard to the most serious and active participation, local police in surveillance and control campaigns nationwide.
  • Adapt Rules of the road to the new vision of sustainable mobility and secure, so that municipal ordinances have a new legal framework that allows them to regulate mobility walking and cycling in the city.

  • Implement systems to improve collection and analysis of information on urban mobility and road accidents that feed into the national database of traffic accidents.
  • to Consider victims as the center that focuses action to improve road safety. Ensure the health and social care for victims of traffic accidents and their families, track their progress and a rehabilitation and compensation of just sequels.
  • Promote citizen participation and debate and promote local pacts mobility and road safety. Enhance collaboration among institutions to gain a better understanding of the accidents and to promote common action.

Secure Mobility Award

The jury awarded the City of Pontevedra Secure Mobility Award for his efforts to implement a model for local mobility more sustainable, and especially by the participation of different sectors and municipal departments in this process. The City Council has created Pontevedra, thus, an urban environment focused on the pedestrian, which helps reduce accidents and ensure that all citizens to move safely and healthy.

also made special mention of the City of Córdoba for their sustainable urban mobility plan that integrates the various sectoral programass, in which we work in areas such as security, mobility, education, infrastructure, planning and health, with effective results.

Institutions, Agencies and Associations

In this 2 nd meeting were more than 60 papers, including more than 20 municipalities, such as Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCordoba, San Sebastian, Malaga, Vitoria, Valladolid, Ávila, Pontevedra. Institutions and agencies such as the Catalan Traffic Service, the Traffic Department of the Basque Government, the Office of Traffic Safety, victims' associations as AESLEME, Stop Accidents, ASPAYM, DAY, PAT and Almaty. User associations and RACC, RACE, Mutua Motera, A Pie. Research institutes and foundations like CIDAUT. Universities such as Valencia, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBasque Country and Granada. And other central government agencies like the Land Transportation DireccionesGenerales and Quality and Environmental Assessment and the Barcelona


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