Thursday, February 24, 2011

Disability Discrimination Act Hip Replacement

Classes begin. Tips for those using school transport

We are already almost at the start of school and many children attend the school using the school bus. Here are some tips to take into account both by children and their parents, who will forward them the responsibility to meet their children and thus improve safe movement throughout the year.

tips and recommendations

90% of school bus accidents occur, according to United Nations, when the children go up and down the vehicle. It is therefore vital that parents and children themselves know how to act at all times and the issues to consider for your safety.

For children

leisurely walks and avoid risks. must arrive at the stop in time, at least five minutes before the time the bus passes.

Cross with care. The always crosses street in front of the bus and walk down the sidewalk. If no sidewalk, walk along the edge of the road until you reach a large distance (at least 3 meters) in front of the bus, but before crossing make sure the driver has seen you and understand that you are crossing. You must look at, always, first left, then right and then again on the left.

Keep a safe distance . When approaching the bus must stay at least two meters away. Do not walk behind the carriage, it is possible that the driver can not see you and if reverses atropellarte.

not collect the objects will fall near the bus. Ask the driver or passenger to be picked up for you.

You always do if the adult accompanying the driver. Inside the bus should not yell or fuss. signals and other vehicle safety features are not play. Also, do not distract the driver.

can not eat on the bus . is the duty of the school bus who used to give a proper treatment and care seats and keep the vehicle clean.

It up and down easily. Use the handrail to avoid falls and watch the hanging clothes and backpacks and school bags are not caught in the handrails or doors of the bus. When you get to the vehicle, do not push other children and sit in your seat quickly.

For parents

is for parents, primary responsibility for the education of their children, teach your children to behave safely as pedestrians and respect the rules basic bus.

Be a pedestrian right. Your children will learn to walk well and be much safer.

Claim civic behavior. Children should always be done if those responsible, driver and passenger-bus. This vehicle is a place of coexistence in which we need to demand good behavior at all times, for themselves and for others.

not stop attention. That parents should be made agreement with other parents, so that there is always an adult on the bus, especially when it comes to children under 9 years. If the students are above that age, they should go in groups to stop to make them more visible to drivers of vehicles.

Encourage the child to have a backpack ready. rush it can be dangerous because it makes us forget the basic precautions. In addition, it is for parents to eliminate, shorten or replace the restraint of clothing or accessories that could catch on the old playground equipment in the fences at the gates or bars and handrails of the bus.
Park your car on the side where the bus stops. Avoid parking on the opposite side of the bus stop because it would force the child to cross the street.

Tell yourself if you choose to collect your child . It is advisable to leave school a letter stating that under their responsibility, not use the school bus that day.


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