Monday, February 7, 2011

Capricorn Ascendantcapricorn Moon

How to act
critical situations

Many imponderables may occur while driving on a highway, a road or street. Limit are moments in which a bad decision could cost you dearly. Here are some common facts that could happen in driving and how to react properly to minimize risk.

brakes do not respond

If the gearbox is in a medium or high up, it is advisable to go down with it. Unable to stop, we do not have to import the engine speed increases, since this is generated and is normal when going from a high gear to a lower. Then slow down the speed as much as possible, using the handbrake. In an extreme case, try to get off the road using the shoulder, or as soft as sector so that the vehicle will generate more drag.

may face the need to arrest the elements of a light vehicle (Cars, vans), mostly falling on a slope or a system failure, on actuation of the brake pedal does not work. The symptom most conventional is to press the pedal and downward to its limit
Realizing that the vehicle does not slow down after the brakes, it is recommended to step on the pedal intermittently, quickly and in its entire route (actuated to the bottom and let your butt back up again and again.)

a tire failure

As you go along a route where high speeds are developed, it is rare, common or a tire under conditions (pressure adequate tread and sidewalls in good condition, not overweight) break, but it can happen and we must be prepared. At that time we must not lose patience. No need to press the brake pedal (at least roughly) to try to stop, but you just have to slow down.

Depending on what the tire was damaged, the shaft where the load and the type of vehicle, it is possible that the auto shop to go to the left or right. Every movement performed with the steering wheel should be firm and as short as possible to avoid destabilizing the unit.

Once the motor car slowed and we believe it is prudent to use the foot brake, do it only in order to anticipate the latest move, which will be removed from the roadway to replace the damaged tire.

Meeting with a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction on our lane

This is a common condition in our routes that can be given by either a bypass forced by a move caused by a distraction or extreme tiredness.

Realizing perform any unusual movement in the opposite direction the vehicle, or an incorrect usage, do not hesitate to warn through signs with alternating high and low lights , put the light right turn, Lower the speed and as close as possible to the right side of the road. Always try to avoid the collision, but we have to go to the shoulder could lead to a reversal or a more disadvantageous position.

unexpected curve is usually distract or not to make sense of a signal indicative to where we move on. In these cases we may be surprised a curve that does not have adequate or cannot this very tight radius .

For vehicles with conventional braking (no ABS) should know that by pressing the brake and the possibility of deadlock, the car will tend to leave tangentially the curve. In other words, the right will not respond to the move requested by his driver. Then you must step on the brake with power but for short periods and repeated.

If the tires (especially front) is blocked, releasing the brake pedal to turn them back, gaining compliance and responding to the request for his driver. We turn the wheel copying the radius of the curve and back to brake. We release the brake pedal, correct the steering wheel not to leave and return curve to rotate. So to lower the speed out curve. Bypass


In trades a hand lane, with vehicles of all kinds is very normal to be carried out or overtaking overtaking . Now, it does not follow this move is made (the sum statistically more fatalities) indiscriminately or unsafe.

If you are being overtaken by another vehicle and sees that it can not complete his move, we recommend the following:

not hesitate to take actions. Go as possible to the boundary between the roadway and the shoulder and if that's not enough, slow down to who we are surpassing end of their operation. never tells passers-by behind the possibility of providing us with a bypass . Only with the turn signal on the right side can signal the "impossibility" of it. Fire


We noticed that the engine compartment of our car that smoke or smell something burning. That is telling us a principle of fire. In that case begins to stop the progress of your vehicle, always aiming for the right side. Shut down the engine and you and all occupants . Then take the fire extinguisher and shake it.

Identify how the smoke vehicle sector, if it is generated in the engine compartment, pull the hood lever. This allows a small open space that will be enough to placing the nozzle of the extinguisher and when activated take it from right to left

car is not suggested lifting the hood entirely, because the fire would take more force by the entry of more oxygen. if the dimensions between the hood and grille are not enough, break the latter with the extinguisher in order to have more usable space.

To remember suddenly take a curve can be very risky for a vehicle without ABS. According

CESVI statistics, most accidents occur on straight stretches of roads and dry pavement

The 60% of serious casualties surveyed by CESVI are caused by driver distraction

Cesvi Road Safety Dept Argentina


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