Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nissan Xterra Roof Rack

The global crisis affects the mode of conducting

We live
in times of global crisis, is not new, the crisis is an active part of our lives at all levels. People have changed their ways of relating, behaving and obviously driving.

The crisis affects every aspect of our lives and makes us live in constant anxiety compared to changing situations economic, familial, social, psychological, and it is therefore imperative to find ways to reduce the effects of it and begin to make a reflection which will give us a little peace and quiet that will benefit our health and therefore be better able to move through the streets and roads to be a minor threat to ourselves and others.

Stress and depression m consequences of the crisis affects the cognitive development of individuals, acting in the way they perceive the danger and predisposes to have more accidents.
A study
some time ago by Attitudes indicated that 77% of English drivers driving under the stress state and another 22% do so with depression. In almost all cases the drivers admit that their driving is impaired by these causes and the physical and psychological discomfort it brings.

Stress is a major cause of accidents because it is penetrating deep into the driver making at high levels of hostility, aggression and impatience, behaviors that lead to increase speed, ignoring the signs and rules of the road and almost no ability to assess the risk that leads to act recklessly. If we add the consumption of drugs, alcohol or other substances used to reduce anxiety, we have a dangerous cocktail that will almost certainly lead to a traffic accident drivers starring in altered states.

manifest in the crisis we all more irritable, aggressive, distracted or concerned but also the effects of the crisis makes visits to the workshop was postponed, which is less to attend driving school and reduced recruitment of both insurance and cars and drivers are deteriorating.

economic crisis through changing habits and becoming aware of the need to restrain spending without neglecting basic needs. If we want to reduce the maintenance costs of a car, experts advise saving following a few simple guidelines that are grouped into what is called "ecodriving" or ecological and economical driving.

- Circular between 2000 and 2500 rpm gasoline engines in cars, and from 1500 to 2000 if it is a diesel. Currently cars, equipped with electronically controlled injection, moving easily under these parameters and the mechanism does not suffer.

- Anticipate avoiding sharp acceleration and braking. As an example, take the foot off the accelerator to realize that a traffic light changes to red letting the car come with its own momentum, playing with the brake and shift lever to stop properly.

- Maintain a safe distance can drive at a regular speed.

- lift off the throttle and take advantage of inertia, using the shift lever and brake pedal to make minor corrections and adjust the speed while lowering pending. Never leave the shifter in neutral. It is not only dangerous but that the car consumes more fuel.

- Top pending with the highest gear possible, stepping on the gas pedal just enough to maintain speed. Gear changes should be made to a higher rpm than rolling flat.

- Ante curves instead of stopping, we anticipate it and let the vehicle is slowing, correcting with the shift lever and brake pedal, so that when we get to the curve at the right speed.

- If we are in high traffic situations we move into the highest gear possible to avoid accelerating and braking.

- Keep your car in good condition, performing the necessary maintenance. So the car will work under the appropriate parameters and avoid unnecessary risks.

- Do not drive with the air conditioning on and windows open as it increases fuel consumption.

The advantage main economic driving, besides saving money, is that thanks to these techniques helps reduce both environmental pollution and noise, reducing by at least 15% of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. These emissions to be related to the consumption of gasoline or diesel, if we reduce this consumption partly achieved by limiting pollution.

All the aforementioned, you can find more detail on the websites of the General Directorate of Traffic of Fesvial or online Ecodriving require a real awareness of drivers, given the purposes mentioned concerning the crisis, becomes quite difficult to implement. Hence the need to maintain physical health, mental and spiritual according to the situation, avoiding incorporate more stressors already consumed daily as news for example, recently devoted almost all their broadcasts to spread the worst of what happened during day anywhere in the world.

is also desirable to devote the necessary time and advised to rest, work and leisure, time to share with family and friends and if possible, also spend a few moments to spirituality (reflection, meditation, prayer , reading, etc.).

Better prepared

everything we can face the crisis and bring us at least injured out of it. Be more calm and relaxed will result in personal and social benefit.


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