Monday, January 3, 2011

Carol Retractable Cord


And celebrates with a grand celebration filled, of course, books and poetry.

Today Tuesday January 4 editorial Cangrejo Pistolero Ediciones Seville celebrates its fifth anniversary. And it will be in-Culture Café El Perro Andaluz (C / Bustos Tavera, 11), from 21.00h.

During the evening, they offer a small cocktail reception, will be recited poetry, projections and raffles will be held 2 complete collection of the publisher. In addition, Super Deals offer publishers and many more surprises.

Throughout this journey, the editorial Seville, specializing in poetry, illustrated and directed by Antonio García and Nuria Villarán Mosque has issued a total of 27 titles and created six collections. From the beginning seal project has sought to present poems innovative and quality through books that are very aesthetically pleasing works of art in themselves.

On the other hand, wants to ensure dissemination and promotion of artists, the promotion of reading and entertainment, through various activities such as concerts. Also, do not hesitate to take full advantage of new technologies in the network for the dissemination of the project, becoming one of the most visited online publishers.

Among the upcoming projects of the editorial names appear Txus poets like Garcia, Miguel Luna, Fernando Bazan and Carmen Herrera. Also redeem classic American poetry as Howard Phillips Lovecraft. He announced a new collection of poetry for children to seek the taste for the book in its most creative and encourage reading among young people and that will be released in 2011.

For all this there is every reason to celebrate the fifth anniversary of an editorial in Seville that is growing. I hope in the Andalusian Dog.


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