Other questions and answers:
Anxiety Is there a positive and a negative anxiety?
EP: I think there is negative anxiety. Anxiety is always a source of greater knowledge and perception but I would distinguish from fear.
Does social anxiety is an emotion?
EP: Neuroscientists have discovered that it is not so much deeper understanding of the brain and its pathologies, but the source of all innovation is social intelligence. It is the spark that jumps when a brain goes into contact with another brain. And now we are beginning to perceive that there is no innovation without collective effort and that means being aware that you have the emotions necessary for this, which basically are empathy (known to put in place the other) and enjoy altruism.
how anxiety can influence the activity of driving? EP
: Anxiety becomes a challenge that helps you put on alert to look out in all that you have to fix. What happens is that for certain reasons, such as stress, anxiety, threat or discouragement, anxiety might degenerate rather than a warning factor degenerates into dangerous behavior, erroneous and negative.
Ie, that anxiety can have a positive effect at the wheel ...
EP: Anxiety has a positive effect at the wheel. I do not think it's good that leads of concern, although it is true that many or most of the driving ability can be left to the unconscious, and unconscious cognitive processes can run very sophisticated, but there may be so mild anxiety that only serves to put on alert.
Then there would be anxiety enough important to be aware of everything that is happening, consciously and unconsciously, and then there is the anxiety that is caused by one of the reasons cited above and are extremely dangerous.
I believe that the study of Attitudes , what shows is that many leading in a state of anxiety. I, for example, many did not believe them.
And a driver with anxiety, accept and abide by traffic rules in general?
EP: Yes, my fear is on the border and the border that will accept most neurologists. But one thing is the anxiety that used to put on alert, but can go further into fear and fear tends to paralyze.
Source: Attitudes
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