Tuesday, January 18, 2011

White Floaties In My Urine


addition to the features of the vehicle technical inspection card, check , model, color, class, body type, registration, nationality, etc., of administrative authorizations for the possession, registration certificate and authorization to transport, it is necessary to determine whether vehicles are insured by allocating data relating to that insurance.

Any owner of a motor vehicle is normally based in Spain is obliged to arrange and maintain in force an insurance policy covering liability arising out of use and the vehicle. The existence of insurance may be proved by the document request or proposal of insurance, which is only valid for fifteen days, a current premium receipt issued by the insurer or bank receipt, the insurance policy in force or an international certificate of insurance (green card) or insurance in force on the border with the current date. According to Article 15 of the Insurance Contracts Act, the receipt expired for less than a month has coverage during that period. The validity of the proposal or application for insurance is subject to it containing information identifying the vehicle owner, the usual driver and the policyholder shall be evidenced home, must contain the vehicle identification data, guarantees requested or offered and must be filled out by the insurer or agent thereof, indicating the date and time of your initial computation.

The data will be necessary to obtain in any case shall be taken for the insurance company, policy number and duration, data vehicle owner, driver or regular drivers and data relating to the policyholder, with their respective addresses, data relating to the insured vehicle, make, model and registration and the risks covered by insurance, if compulsory insurance also provides insurance volunteer liability, if you have fire insurance, theft, legal, own damage, etc, and the type of coverage in each branch to the quantitative limits that may be employed.

In the case of transport vehicles of passengers must be checked whether, besides the compulsory insurance of civil liability, has compulsory travel insurance, consigning, similarly, the insurance company, policy number and insurance coverage. In the case of freight would have to find out if the car has insurance on cargo, type of insurance coverage, insurance company, etc.
In the case of foreign vehicles, should be taken into account assurance that the obligation of Article 2 of Royal Decree Law 8 / 2004 and Article 1 of Decree 7 / 2001 extends to motor vehicles normally based in Spain, which does not mean that vehicles are not included in this concept does not have an obligation be insured. On the one hand vehicles belonging to the European Economic Area signed the Multilateral Guarantee Agreement are not required to be provided with written proof of insurance. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agreement itself ensured through national offices for civil liability insurance that may cause the vehicles to move in the other signatory states but do not carry valid insurance. According to article 16.3 of Royal Decree 7 / 2001 only to vehicles belonging to third countries, ie those not belonging to the Multilateral Convention but the Convention Bureaux Inter type and other countries not benefiting from this system, they were payable " international certificate of insurance "(letter green) or "secure border." The liability of the uninsured vehicles required is assumed by the Consortium of Insurance Compensation, within the limits and guarantees provided in the RD. The liability of vehicles normally based in a country signatory to the Multilateral Guarantee Agreement, the vehicles insured by the Green Card system and insured vehicles in border security is guaranteed by the English Automobile Insurers on behalf of the official with similar characteristics of the country of registration of the vehicle.


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