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reproduce, by curiosity, a report published in a magazine called 1944 the year Ohanes fluttering in your number 7. The report is copied in full, except the last part for lack of interest from my point of view. Finning said:

In the end of last year 1943, rummaging among the papers of the municipal archives of this town, made a startling discovery. It was a record year 1734, and full transfer:


I have the honor to inform you of my concern the beam that produces half the class ruling , it is split between, for which the roof has given and has formed a funnel that collects water from rain and stiff jet drops on my desk, making me wetting my papers and get rheumatic pains not let me stay right.

Finally, Mr. Mayor, I hope your kindness put a stop to this if you do not want something terrible happens to children and their teacher, it sure your server. God keep you many years

Ohanes, March 15, 1734.

Zeno Master Garrido

Ohanes Mr Mayor of

"I receive with great surprise that the office has seen fit to address and I hasten to answer. Is a rare thing Agents that my authority I have not noticed anything regarding the beam, and moreover, I doubt that is in these conditions, it informs me Uncle Sarmiento sixty years will not be made, and I think once given the explanation, why I have no step by saying that no more than excuses and pretexts for not giving blow. As far as the papers get wet and rheumatism to be looming, could very well kept, those on the box or at home, and this going to school with a blanket. Notwithstanding the above, send one of these days one of my subordinates to look what is that. And eye that their deception will be another six years would without collecting his salary of 500 reais.

God keep you many years

Ohanes November 28, 1734.

Zancajo Mayor Bartolome.

teacher Mr
first letters of the town of Ohanes of

"I have the honor to acknowledge receipt to your letter of yesterday where he wishes to question the state of the beam. In my previous job, Mr. Mayor, about eight months, spent the winter rains, and I always looking beam, with consequent concerns: Will it fall?, Do not fall? And so day after day, like instead of a beam off a daisy. If you do not believe what I'm saying, you can send two experts, or come yourself taking a little walk, if it costs too much trouble, I will not deceive you, but to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe status of my class I let go with a picture, taken from life, that will give you a real picture of it. And what of the salary, I do not dare to touch the real hundred, because you know what the saying goes "The drawer or ..."

Finally, Mr. Mayor, God keep you many years the effects of the beam.

Ohanes of Alpuxarras to November 29, 1734.

The Garri Maestro.Zenón do (Signed).

Lord Mayor of Alpuxarras. Uxíxar Party. Kingdom of Granada.

acknowledge receipt of his office on 29 November. last year and I think too much machaconería in the case of the beam. Mr. Maestro knows that if the school does not suit you can catch the road and go somewhere else, here for what he teaches, does not lack. What matters to these people, or anyone, where is Mars, and the twists and turns the moon, or that four or six are twenty-seven Miguel de Cervantes discovered the Americas? To take an mancaje having more than enough strength for it, however, as I am loving curtura (sic) and not to say they've missed (sic) the master and not treat him, as it should, I will appoint a commission to report on of the beam, and if it turns out you engañao me, sa fallen (sic).

God keep you many years.

Ohanes of Alpuxarras to October 15, 1735,

Mayor Bartolome Zanchetta (Signed)

first teacher Mr Free City. "

expert report

"Barranco Fuentes and Juan Antonio González, teachers, graduates Builders Ohanes village of Alpuxarra, INFORMS:

that people in the place called or known, either in remission, the School of this place, twelve o'clock morning of May 15, 1736, accompanied by the Clerk of this City, and sent by Mr Mayor, we feel, think, that the beam at the middle class, classroom or living room, which of these three name is called or limited, such that the beam has not moved, has Bajao only about ten or twelve deos, only to fall, but never together with the ground, crushing those limping. But as want the body wood is chipped, have to crack before hitting the thump giving time to be saved at least seven or eight, all of which, and laying his hand on the heart and conscience, say that the danger which offers the aforementioned beam is a slight danger, or of little consequence. All of which is signed and sealed, not having Ohanes seal the date above ..

Antonio Fuentes and Juan Gonzalez (Signed)

"Don Celedonio González-García, clerk of the town of Ohanes of Alpuxarras, Uxixar game, kingdom of Granada

SAY I declare and attest, in terms Master information in this first letters of the town, on a beam that reads the first Mr Mayor, that is the second, is split on the top of his class. My unbiased, dispassionate and truthful, as fits my profession, is as follows: If the beam falls and dangerous threat, can occur:

a) to kill the teacher, in which case this would save the dignity Corporation actual paid five hundred.

b) To kill children in this case on the master.

c) To kill the children and the Master happening in this case, as they say, who killed two birds with one stone.

d) Do not kill anyone, in which case there is no cause for alarm.

Tested in the causes and effects right above, I issue this report, honest and fair, thereby fulfilling a duty of conscience.

Ohanes of Alpuxarras In a May 15, 1736.

Gronzález Celedonio García (Signed).

So much for the famous case, that damaged beyond words, not allow us to decipher its last pages. But we, tireless researchers, as we said before, continue to search for all matters relating to this matter, and in another subset of the Municipal Archives, we found this one document, then transcribed, and that explains, in full, how the matter ended beam. It read:

"I, Don Joseph Sancho Mengíbar, official historian of the town of Ohanes of Alpuxarras declare on my honor to be certain facts that I describe below, so that they be recorded in the Historic Archive of this town, lamenting that the nature of these put a tragic milestone in the annals of this bucolic town. On October 14, the year of our Lord Jesus Christ one thousand seven hundred forty, being mayor of this town and Zanchetta Zanchetta Don Bartholomew, and being the twelve of their morning, collapsed the roof of the hall of the School in this town, perished in the accident, Mr. Master of the alphabet, Don Zeno Garrido Marín and fourteen children at the time gave her class. After painstaking work, were extracted from the rubble, the remains of victims and taken to UAB Municipal Cemetery, accompanied by the people en masse, who was a participant in full of the pain that meant such a catastrophe, because all more or less directly, they could see, given the huge number sacrificed for the sake of culture.

Open the appropriate file, it has been shown that by the competent authority periodically taking all measures to ensure the proper functioning of the sacred precincts, and as conclusive evidence is presented a record, initiated the Indeed, two masons and the Distinguished experts Clerk of the town, reporting on the good condition of the premises, in the very near future the event, as reports dating from 15 May 1736; being fully demonstrated that only an accident casualty was responsible for the collapse to which we have referred.

And for the record, I drafted and signed in the Alpuxarras Ohanes to December 15 of 1740.

Joseph Sancho.

(Transcript of the text received by mail)


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